
Will my teeth move??

by  |  earlier

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I just got my braces off yesterday, and I got my retainer today. The problem is that I talk like an IDIOT and I'm a cashier so I have to talk all day, so I'm planning on not wearing the top one to work. Today I work for 6 hours, and tomorrow for 4. I will be wearing them both all the time besides that, and always the bottom one, but just not the top one at work.

Normally I work about 15-20 hours a week. Are my teeth going to get screwed up?

And is there anyway you can get better at talking with it in? Because I'll have to wear it around my friends at school.




  1. No talking won't move your theeth i have gad 4 retaners and 1 expander. Also please don't smoke weed.

  2. don't smoke weed.

    and yeah. don't wear your retainer when doing it either.

    it's okay if you don't wear it to work as long as you wear it before & after. you should be alright.

    and you just have to talk with you retainer in to get better at talking with it in.

  3. just dont smoke weed its bad....

  4. Don't smoke weed with your retainers in or out! Then you would be a pothead, do you want to be another pothead cashier? I think not, it would ruin your teeth and lungs!!!
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