
Will my tv work on reg.ant.after feb?

by Guest57920  |  earlier

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Will my tv work on reg.ant.after feb?




  1. It depends on what type of tv you have.  If your tv has a digital tuner (ATSC tuner) then yes your tv will work.  If you don't have an ATSC tuner then no it will not work after February 2009

    Per the FCC ....

    Consumers who rely on antennas (including outside antennas and "rabbit ears") to receive over-the-air broadcast signals on TV sets having only analog tuners will need to obtain separate digital-to-analog  set-top converter boxes to watch over-the-air TV. These boxes receive digital signals and convert them into analog format for display on analog TVs. Analog sets connected to such converter boxes will display digital broadcasts, but not necessarily in the full, original digital quality.

  2. Well, that depends on what kind of TV you have.

    If your TV has an ATSC Tuner, or has HD Built-in, then it's Good to Go.

    Now, if its an older TV, that was Made before 2003, then it Probably doesn't have the Tuner built-in.

    So, if this is the Senario, you will need to get a DTV Converter Box. They don't cost very much, and the Government is giving out up to 2 $40 Coupons per House-hold.

    If you Need a Converter Box, and want the $40 Coupons, go to the Following Site:

  3. not unless you have digital cable or satellite or a converter

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