
Will my wife cheat on me if she watches every desperate housewives show ?

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with no other option i had to catch some episodes along with my wife and I must say that show gives out some really nasty frecky ideas to people and if they do something wrong , they use some tricks to cover it . I am scared like my wife may cheat me . we even had this high school kid who used to do our lawn , I fired him and hired an old guy , though he is not that good at his work like early one.




  1. That's just plain silly.  Just because a program shows "new ways to cheat" on your husband, doesn't mean your wife will cheat on you... I think you're grasping at straws here.....

  2. What? are you serious? So you actually believe that your wife is getting ideas from Desperate Housewives show? That's ridiculous. You have trust issues

  3. Have faith with you dear wife, I believe it was not easy that you and your wife met and became husband&wife. So treasure it and bear with the shows. Good Luck and May you + Wife have a loving relationship.  

  4. YOU have the problem...not her.  

    YOU should not even be married.  

    Being that controlling and paranoid before the woman has actually DONE anything to warrant your suspicions shows you are very insecure, paranoid, jealous and potentially dangerous.

    I hope your wife runs like heck to the nearest lawyer.

  5. I don't think you are crazy and I think there is a possibility. I think most of the shows on TV now are disgusting and that is why my husband and I got rid of our TV (we have no channels/cable, we watch DVDs together). There are so many shows that I would not feel comfortable with him watching and it was not worth risking our relationship because of a few S****y girls on TV. We discussed it before we got married though and was all for it. TV is a waste of time.

    Honestly I love how everyone on here acts like these type of shows and even pornography are healthy for relationships despite the fact that an ever increasing number of spouses are unfaithful and countless marriages are ending leaving shattered lives and children. I think marriage would be better for people if they had higher morals.

  6. She already did. LOL

  7. you are not serious, are you? It's just a show.  

  8. Let's hope your wife is smart enough to tell the difference between reality and entertainment.  

  9. Shows like this are not believed by sane people!!  Some reports may say television influences, but others will say that  by watching these shows, many women can explore different fantasy situations without actually needing to live them in reality.  I would say you have bad trust and jealousy issues that need to be controlled before things get out of control - your relationship will suffer.  You cannot honestly stop her from talking to someone outside on the lawn!  Get over it before you lose her.

  10. You fired the kid just because you were afraid your wife was gonna bang him?

    d**n, dude.  You need some therapy.  

  11. You can not be for real man? Do you know what is real and what is fiction. They do this stuff on TV shows just so people will watch them. Just because you look at other women does that mean that you cheat? Do not tell me that you do not do it because every man alive looks at other women. They may not act on it but they do look. Just because she is talking to the neighbor do not become paranoid. Women talk to men and men talk to women. That does not mean they are doing anything other than passing the time of day and being neighborly. Or do you feel guilty bout something that you are doing that you should not be doing?If so you best stop. I am not accusing you do not get me wrong. I do not understand why you are feeling that  your wife may be cheating on you? From what you have said there is nothing that would raise an alarm to me any way. I hope this will help you in some way. Good Luck.

  12. Wow! If your wife is so easily influenced by television, better make sure she never sees CSI or something like that.

    If this is a serious question, I think you and your wife have some major trust issues which need to be worked out.

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