
Will my workout stunt my growth?

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I do a hard workout but no lifting

2 mile run

4 sets of 20 sit ups

4 sets of 15 push ups

3 sets of 3 pull ups

and swim for 15 min . 4 Days a week and i am 5 foot 102 pounds




  1. It is an old wives tale that working out as a kid or teen will stunt your growth.

    Your height is based upon your genetics, and keeping healthy and eating well will get your height to it's fullest potential.

    I also find that pilates/yoga help me feel taller, and added an inch to my actual height at the age of 22!

    Don't let anyone talk you down. As long as your body is healthy and getting the nutrients and exercise it needs, you shouldn't have a problem with growing.

    Also, look at the heights of both your parents, uncles, aunts, and grandparents.

    Good Luck, and keep working out, you're doing great!

  2. no. Its good for you.

  3. As long as you dont have weights on your shoulders or you aren't pressing weights over your head, you won't stunt your growth.

    -Increase from 20 situps to 25 or do 5 sets of 20 to make it 100 total.

    -Try to increase your push ups. I'm a girl and I can even do 4 sets of 15. Try do increase it to 4 sets of 20 then 4 sets of 25 or 5 sets of 20.

    -Pullups aren't that bad. If you are doing the palms facing you grip, you should be able to do a lot more like 5-10 of 3 sets. If your backhand is facing you, go for 5 reps of 4 pull ups.

    -I'm glad you are running 2 miles. That is a good one. Swimming is great as well.

    5' 102 lbs is great! Sounds like mostly muscle and for your height, that is pretty big.

  4. great workout.

  5. your a small dude but no it will NOT stunt your growth, you might out live us all

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