
Will nations agree on implementing strict measures to reduce carbon emission n reduce/prevent global warming ?

by Guest66714  |  earlier

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The time is NOW.

In fact, the time is NOW OR NEVER...

Will the world bodies like UN and the policy makers and politicians wake up ? Will the mass media inform the public of the perils of

our present eco-enemical style of life ?




  1. if man made global warming were in fact a reality, then why dont the kyoto protocals, the bali talks, and other world environmental  conferences work to force EVERY nation to reduce carbon emissions? why allow countries like china and india to emit all the carbon they want while north america and europe and russia have to reduce their carbon emissions? the reality is that even governments around the world dont take the premise that global warming is man made seriously, and neither does the UN. this is all a political ploy to control the masses like it or not.

    one more thing, all the countries that signed the kyoto accords have higher carbon emissions than countries that did not sign the kyoto accords, and remember that the US did not sign the kyoto accords. also china has past the US in emissions output.

  2. Fears of global warming would be better spent worrying about over populating our small planet. With China and India both now having a population of 1 billion each, we are in more danger of world wide starvation, water shortages and economical depression than being flooded by melting polar ice.

  3. I think media plays a major role and some of them

    started alarming the CO2 emissions.

    The modern economy relies on Industries which relies on

    fossil fuels and hence C02 emissions.

    Politicians compelled to improve economic prosperity and

    hence they are indirectly  increase C02 emission levels.

    I think, common public has more to do than politicians to control CO2 emissions. They can demand better public transport, efficient systems, avoid unnecessary appliances

    (like large refrigerator, unnecessary air-conditioning etc), use

    of solar water heaters and room heaters etc.

    Public has more responsibility  and Politicians has responsibility to encourage public.



  4. oh ! they will have to ...

  5. I have become a pacimist in this regard by withessing series of International protocol etc. Bush , you must be remembering loudly proclaimed about 6 years ago, "The Keyoto Protocol is gainst US interest and hence US is no longer a psrty to this".  When the US  President could openly declare this as a matter of policy; what can one expect of others .....simply "lips  service". .Recent trend is to blame the third world and the developing nations for carbon emmissions , keeping a safe distance for the terrible damage already done by the Developed Nations. To clean up the  mess , the initiative has to be more from the developed nations than others and these countries should come out with better proposals to rectify the crime they committed for centuries and should plan funding of curbing carbon emission in un`controlled manner by the developing or undeveloped countries.

    I have lost faith in UNO.......It's simply a "paper body".....Bush and his international partners have turned UNO into a non functional and ineffective world body. Mr. K. Annan helped in killing the very spirit of UN charter;  more so , after he was bribed with Nobel prize through western backing.

  6. yes,obviously .......see the nations have to wake up at one point of,the time has very important for the nations to agree on implementing strict measures to prevent global warming before we begin to extinct.oh.....did i mention prevent global warming sorry we have to find a cure to stop it because the global warming has already begun and it is too late to prevent it.

  7. Oh my God the sky is falling.  That one degree rise in the last hundred years is wreaking havoc.  Thanks for the wake up call.  I just called Haiti and convinced them not to build any Jetliners.  Perhaps you could call Al Gore and convince him to close off part of his twenty room plus eight bath mansion in Nashville, Tennessee.  You might also call that other Global Warming enthusiast, Brad Pitt, and ask him to scale back a bit.

  8. ya the time is NOW or NEVER ..........its a condition like save it..or start finding a NEW HABITATE .Many contries have taken serious steps towards it and UN too.........i think it isn't important --did all those bodies shows their concern for global warming..than did WE SHOW ANY CONCERN 4 why can't we put the first EFFECTIVE STEP.......?

  9. If we don't we will be even more screwed than we are now.

  10. YES.But mere agreement is not enough unless someone ensures its implementation.The UN

    and other world bodies are toothless tigers

    and would not dare go against two major

    nations whose contribution to the global warming is only too well known.Our Indian policy makers and politicians are too busy

    upgrading their personal transport with new

    and costlier models which are all reputed gas

    guzzlers..The mass media are already scaring the **** out of the masses through their various

    news reports exaggerating and blowing out of

    proportion even minor mishaps,all for increasing their individual circulation.Adding to all this is the general apathy which is understandable considering the fact that the common man is more concerned about balancing his home budget than increasing his BP by worrying about global warming.Probably the whole thing will fall to the lot of the next generation which,the way things seem to be going,is presently engaged in speedily reducing the bank balance of parents to give any other issues any thought.A bleak picture painted by a cynic no doubt.But Fact,cold hard Fact.

  11. I hope the rest of the world will insure American military and economic superiority for the next 1,000 years.

  12. No because global warming isn't real and even if it was, cutting back on emissions 15 or 20 percent would have very little of an impact on our earths environment.

  13. Most of the countries will prevent. But some of the counries sconomically or willingly or whatever may not do it !

  14. why, global warming is over

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