
Will nature get mad at us if we find the fatal flaw of the AIDS virus and exploit it?

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Personally, I don't think Mother Nature would be too pleased as these types of mechanisms provide critical "balances"...




  1. Why did the chicken cross the road?

    To get to the other side?


  2. "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. "

    Lao Tzu

  3. Nature is a conscious entity who is capable of anger? That's news to me.

  4. I think she will be as Happy as when the cure for polio, measles , Hepatitis e.t.c were found.

    I think that these calamities strike due to an imbalance not the intensions of mother nature.

    If mother nature, didn't want us around, she would have ejected all of us long time ago.

    Thanks for asking.

  5. who is nature?

  6. I think you didn't write what you meant.

    A "fatal flaw" is that which kills the thing that has it. If the virus has a "fatal flaw," then it will die of that flaw, and the world will once again be without AIDS.

    How could that be bad, and more: how could it be exploitable?

    Also, I think it is deplorable that you think of the virus as a "balance" provided by nature. A balance to do what--rid the world of people who have unprotected s*x?

  7. nature is not a conscious entity, it cannot be mad or be happy or think.

    when you say it would 'get mad', the flaw of the virus, were we to exploit it, could be considered as 'getting mad' because it would kill. it would teach us not to exploit anything like it again, and that is what is meant with a 'balance'.

  8. I seriously doubt that nature can be angry no matter what we do. Even if that were possible, nature would already be angry at us for global warming.

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