
Will nature take care of overpopulation brutally or will technology prevail to save the day?

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Will nature take care of overpopulation brutally or will technology prevail to save the day?




  1. ^^^^Someone is a little angry up there.

    I have also been of the idea that nature will probably deal with humans long before we put a dent in it.

    The earth has been around for about 4.3 billion years or so, and I think it is a little egotistical of humans to think they could somehow bring about the end of it.

    As for overpopulation specifically, growth can not continue indefinately, because growth, by its very nature, is unsustainable.  There was a great video of a professor who spoke about this.  Since a percentage growth is exponential, it can not continue forever.  The human population will stop growing, but the question is, when?

  2. What do you think is happening in Darfur RIGHT NOW?!

    Decades of drought, desertification, and overpopulation are among the causes of the Darfur conflict.

    Survival of the Fittest

    Technology is incapable of calming this inevitable storm.

  3. technology will never solve anything, it hasnt, and it never will, for the overpopulation shiit, more people will get drafted, unnecessary wars will be created just to kill those people and we will all die anyway.  So far, humans have interrupted the cycle of life, with their stupid shiit like killing sharks for fins!!! now those sharks are almost extinct. life ran well without humans and it will after humans are gone, but thanks to technology, humans try to make life longer, f**k up the ecosystem, and pretty  much destroy the whole d**n planet!! overpopulation wont kill us. We kill ourselves.

    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. "  -Jimi Hendrix

  4. It is a well known fact, our planet can easily support over 10 billion human beings. Check it out if you are not sure about what I say.

    Anyway! Both Technology and Spirituality are merging to, as you say, "Save the Day!"

  5. I think nature will have to deal with this one. There is no technology that can help with this problem. The earth can only hold so many people, the resources can only support so much life. No matter how impressive our technology is, i think this is an issue nature will have to deal with.

  6. two words.

    bird flu.

    should sort the men from the boys.

  7. Both ... Nature will eventually bring this planet to a point where the resources are no longer to our liking .. and we will go and colonize other planets like a bad virus moving on from body to body and spreading pleague.

  8. humans are the most resilient creatures on earth.  and they are also the dumbest of the bunch.  and with this mixture, it almost neutralizes everything.  however, the score by human  resiliency is ahead over dumbness and  humans are already controlling their destiny here on earth.  

          the overpopulation problem  has not reach a problematic level yet.  i am a realist and i think humans will prevail on the outcome of the overpopulation issue.   it will be resolve and will have bright outcome.

          the global warming is signaling humans what will happen if we keep on our use of bio fuel.  we will also can overcome this and it will be resolve. i'm optomistic!

  9. bet is on nature for this one...and the first overpopulation crisis will involve ENERGY.  Probably a big war over the few remaining resources (aka US vs. China?).

  10. If we reached a point of overpopulation, nature would indeed be brutal. We are not anywhere near overpopulation however. Technology cannot "save" us from over population, because if it had the power to save us, we would not be considered to be in a state of overpopulation, since the concept would mean that there is more population than we can handle. Overpopulation isn't simple having more people on Earth than we want.

  11. December 21, 2012.  Don't count on technology for help. You can only count on you on that date.

  12. Mother Nature will take care of the human race.  It's just a matter of time.

    Think  about the impending magnetic polar shift in 2012...that'll end the human problem

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