
Will netherlands immigration allow me to enter & stay for a night in the hotel, my main destination is poland.

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my friend will attend an important meeting in Poland,however his flight is up to schipol only and he plans to stay for a night in the hotel somewhere in amsterdam,and then the next morning he will take train to poland.will the amterdam immigration let him enter the netherlands considering he has a multiple entry visa given by poland embassy? (main destination is poland but he will first to enter amsterdam)




  1. It depends on the actual visa he/you get.

    If you apply for a visa to the Schengen area you can get one for just one country, in which case you can not enter in an other country.

    In most cases you will get a visa allowing you entry to the whole zone, with just one or multiple entries.

    There is a letter on your/his visa, indicating which he got, here is a copy and paste from a wikipedia page about those letters.


    "Category A refers to an airport transit visa. It is required for some few nationals for passing through the international transit area of airports during a stop-over or transfer between two sections of an international flight. The requirement to have this visa is an exception to the general right to transit without a visa through an international transit area of an airport.

    Category B refers to a transit visa. It is required by nationals who are not visa-free for travelling from one non-Schengen state to another non-Schengen state, in order to pass through the Schengen area. Each transit may not exceed five days.

    Category C refers to a short-term stay visa. They are issued for reasons other than to immigrate. They entitle holders to carry out a continuous visit or several visits whose duration does not exceed three months in any half-year from the date of first entry.

    Category D refers to national visa. They are issued by a Schengen state in accordance with its national legislation as with respect to the conditions (however, a uniform sticker is used). The national visa allows the holder to transit from a non-Schengen country to the Schengen state which issued the national visa within five days. Only after the holder has obtained a residence title after arrival in the destination country (or a different visa), he may again travel to other Schengen countries.

    Category D+C visa combine the functions of the visa of both categories: They are intended to allow the holder to enter the issuing Schengen state for long-term stay in that state, but also to travel in the Schengen area like a holder of a Category C visa."

    But remember to double check, any internet page can contain errors.


    As far as I read in the above, he should have an C or a C/D visa to travel overland from Schiphol to Poland.

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