
Will no-explode help me to have more endurance for jujitsu?

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Hello, I been wanted to try no-explode for a while. I do MMA and would like to know if this is going to help me to get more endurance? Thank you




  1. Not really.  No-explode will give you a temporary burst of energy but won't help extend your high level strength/speed output.  A better way to increase your endurance is to swim.  Adding in two 1 hour sessions in the pool a week will significantly increase your endurance, strengthen your lungs, and work your flexibility.

    The other thing to consider is the side effects.  Supplements like no-explode don't make the body stronger, but give a temporary boost to the system much like using nitrous-oxide to make your car faster.  It works, but the effects are limited and over/misuse can destroy your engine.  You must also think about drug testing.  Many of these companies do not have the rigid quality control necessary to prevent contamination.  Over the past few years there have been several athletes who have been caught for 'doping' who did not intend to use banned substances.  Ingredients were not listed properly or at all and these athletes thought they were taking legal substances but were in fact using banned substances.  Be very careful about what supplements you take.  Talk to a doctor and your coaches about your plans.

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