
Will north korea and south korea ever be 1 country combined?

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kinda like east germany and west germany & north vietnam and south vietnam were combined into 1 country




  1. I think it will happen in our lifetime, but it is very difficult to compare the situation in Germany with that of Korea. Remember that even though an armistice was signed, there was no peace treaty signed and the two countries are technically still at war.

    In my opinion, it will take the death of Kim Jong ill and a gradual opening of the country to western governments. The situation is much worse in North Korea then it ever was in East Germany. To rebuild infrastructure in North Korea will likely run into the billions (if not trillions) of dollars. Granted South Korea rebuilt after the Korean War and is now the 11th biggest economy in the world.

  2. I'd doubt it since I think the governments are even different.

    Korea (as a whole) wasn't giving rights to the people so they split.

    And they've actually been influenced by Germany too.

    A lot of things between East and West Germany didn't work

    and they're using that as a reference.

    In general I doubt it, but that's just my opinion.

  3. Anything is possible!

    Who knows!

  4. I seriously don't think so. At least not in our life time.

  5. Hello. I sure hope this was a rhetorical question.  I don't know what country you are in now, but I'm in the USA and I don't think my country has a clue of what goes on in North Korea.  I did not until this morning.  Go here and watch those clips, about 3 to 4 minutes long each.  I think that will answer your un-answerable question.  In my humble opinion the only way that these two completely different countries will reunite is if the leader of North Korea gets his extremely appropriate consequence for being tyrannical dictator.  In short, the North Korean's need prayer and rescuing.  FYI:  North Korea is DPRK that is Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea  

  6. maybe when I rule the world, then it will all be one country! muhahaha

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