
Will occasionaly smoking stunt my growth?

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If so how much. Oh and does that include the occasional puff with friends say about once every 2 months or so.




  1. No the only thing it does is weakens your lungs very slowly. Don;t try it if you want to live long.

  2. Smoking most definitely stunts growth (in most cases).  Any amount of smoking can cause a stunting in growth, but smoking less will mean you'd have less chance of being stunted. This is if you are growing of course.  It can stunt limb growth, p***s growth and testicles growth.  It can also cause infertility if smoking during early puberty.

    This is without mentioning the increased chance of cancer (not just lungs), heart disease, high blood pressure and depression.

    So all in all smoking is a bad idea.

  3. tobacco-No but you will get lung cancer

    cannabis- No

  4. Smoking stunting growth is BS.  Everyone I knew that smoked in high school ended up taller than me (I'm a half inch under 6 feet tall).

  5. Smoking doesn't stunt your growth -- that's an old wive's tale. A study of teenagers found that smokers were within 1 cm of non-smokers.

  6. No, it won't stunt your growth but it will do worse. One puff will lead to the next, and the next, and the next, The you will end up hooked and then it will eventually KILL you.

  7. Nah, but you'll get lung cancer.

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