
Will one shot of 80% absinthe make me feel anything, thanks [=?

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Will one shot of 80% absinthe make me feel anything, thanks [=?




  1. Like your guts are on fire!

  2. Very sick and very drunk.

  3. Which brand?

    Absinthe is a pastis, and if you like that kind of thing is quite fun.  The Mrs and I enjoy La Fee Absinthe and Champagne cocktails, particularly whilst watching Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge. The first time the first taste made us grimace but by the time we got to the bottom of the glass we were impressed, and bladdered.

  4. It will make you feel sick. Absinthe is so over rated... it will NOT make you hallucinate because they cant put wormwood in it anymore. It tastes like cough syrup and burns your eyes!

    It's not possible to have 160proof anything. Something cant be more than 100% alcohol.....

  5. yes that sh*t is dangerous its 80% for gods sake of course it will make u feel drunk

  6. Sick, floaty, not very well, I think you may need to lie down for a while. Get well soon x

  7. It's powerful enough to make you feel like your mouth is burning and maybe sick.  In a normal sized person, a single shot of 160 proof absinthe wouldn't make them drunk by itself.  It's the same as 2 shots of 40% vodka.  You shouldn't catch a buzz from that.  Maybe 2 shots of absinthe would, but after the 1st, I doubt you'd want a second.

    This is why people have such elaborate absinthe rituals.  The dripping water over the sugar.  What do you think that's all about?  It's impossible to drink this stuff.  Even with all that, it's not much better, but people keep drinking it anyways.  

    I believe current absinthe is made from wormwood, atleast the European ones are.  The US ones are allowed to have thujone in them, but at low levels.  While it is true than thujone is a mild hallucinogenic, it only has effects at some absurdly high level.  You won't have enough thujone in a whole bottle of absinthe to get any hallucinogenic effect from it.  But, if you drink a whole bottle of absinthe, that's like 1.5L of vodka, and you're on your way to the hospital or morgue.  If you really want to know what thujone does, I would suggest you find a source of sage oil.  Yes, the herb sage.  It has the highest levels of thujone in any plant.  You'd have a better chance of seeing the green fairy drinking sage oil than you would absinthe.

  8. yes! for def! that stuff could be used to fuel a jet its powerful!

  9. Dunno Im 13

  10. never had 80 percent, but ive taken a shot of 95% alcohol and that **** burned my throat for a good half hour. id doesnt really make you drunk, but it will make you want to throw up but you should be fine.

    by the way, why are you drinking absinthe. yhou cant get it legally in the u.s. and if you or a friend made it from a kit your flirting w/ death cause doing just a little thing wrong while making it an get you killed. if you wanna take a strong shot just go grab some everclear or something

  11. just take a shot you wont die

  12. yes very sick, give it a go. And get it on cam, make sure you got something to throw up in

  13. You're not supposed to drink it need to mix with sugar using an absinthe spoon and glass, which will sweeten it and reduce the alcohol content.

  14. probably, in addition to the high percentage of alcohol, absinthe also contains wormwood, which is a mild hallucinogen.

  15. There is no longer wormwood in absinthe.

  16. prob sick

  17. It depends how big the shot is, if you imagine the shot diluted with water into...a pint glass for example it would maybe only be the alcohol equivalent of drinking a strong beer quickly.  Also, if you're buying it in a bar it's probably the trendy diluted stuff which isn't nearly 80%

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