
Will our rough economy bring the issue of illegal immigration back to the forefront?

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I have been reading about many companies that are now down-sizing, closing stores, etc. in order to weather the weak economy. This is going to reduce available jobs, and increase unemployment. As more and more citizens have to compete for jobs, will this shift more focus back onto unethical hiring practices, and companies who hire "off the books"? Do you think a tight job market will bring illegal immigration back to the top of the issue lists for politicians? I'm just curious to know how others perceive this... thanks for your thoughts.




  1. The illegal ALIEN issue has not left the forefront the past couple of years, unless a person only listens to the mainstream media.  In that case, they dont have a clue what is going on.  I hope it is rough enough many return to their home country, asap!!  Report and Deport!!

  2. they are the main reason for the state of the country

  3. Could stop the flow of illegal aliens and maybe quite a few will go back.

    Hope is eternal!

  4. The focus shifted some time ago.  FYI many Latin American immigrants are going back home because of the anti-immigrant sentiment and difficult of finding work.  Yes, logically, a bad economy makes this sentiment worse because more people are out of work, even if they would never consider taking a job doing what most immigrants do = menial labor.

  5. With the weak economy and job loss it should bring immigration period to the forefront. We can't bring more in and leave our own out in the cold.

  6. I sure hope so.  Notwithstanding the illegals sucking us dry when it comes to healthcare and other social assistance.

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