
Will oxycodone show up in a seven panel drug test?

by Guest60900  |  earlier

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I took one pill on Wed night and took a drug test on friday morning and wondering if it will show up




  1. yes as pain meds

  2. I'm responding to your question because the other responses I read are not accurate.  It would be easy to answer with a simple "yes," but that is only based on the fact that a standard seven panel drug test does detect for oxycodone, not that your case would be detected.

    There are a couple of important factors that need to be considered for a more reliable answer.  These include:

    --What is the dose of the oxycodone?  Higher doses will persist longer.

    --Was the capsule time-release?  This will further increase drug persistence in your system.

    --Do you tend to eat fatty meals?  Fatty meals help the drug get into the blood stream, resulting in faster elimination.

    --How much water do you drink?  Drinking water increases elimination through the kidneys.

    --How much alcohol do you drink?  Heavy drinking slows the rate of drug metabolism through the liver.

    --What is the actual number of hours from consumption to test?

    --How is the test being conducted?  Is this a commercial test or a laboratory test?  If you are a laborer or high school athlete being drug tested, a less expensive commercial test is probably going to be used.  If you work at a pharmaceutical manufacturing or sensitive government job, a higher resolution laboratory test may be used.  Some jobs have drug tests that laboratory-test hair, so detections of use can go back a year or more.

    --Does the test also include analysis for metabolites?

    Now, with the above information, you can actually answer the question accurately.  Below are a couple of links to give you an idea of what I'm looking at.  First, drug metabolism is important to consider.  For simplicity, we'll look at immediate-release versions.  Oxycodone peaks in 1 hour and the effective concentration persists for 4-6 hours.  The T-1/2 (or drug half-life in your system) is 3.2 hours.  Typical oxycodone pills (non-time release) are 5 mg.  For time, let's assume you took it at 9pm Wednesday and your test was 8am Friday.

    So, 41 hours of metabolism means that 12.8 drug half-lives have occurred.  That means that the amount remaining in your system at that time would be approximately 0.014% of the original dose, or 70 nanograms.  

    Now here is where elimination is important.  Let's say you drink 2 liters of water per day and urinate 1.5 liters.  Let's also assume that you last urinated 2 hours prior to your test.  Two hours of urine accumulation at 1.5L per day is 125 ml in your bladder for your test.

    2 hours is 63% of one half life, meaning that your system eliminated 44 nanograms of oxycodone constituents  while your bladder was filling.  19% of the drug is excreted as unmetabolised oxycodone (this helps, and it becomes important when you consider if they test of metabolites too).

    So, your urine concentration was probably around 0.06ng/ml.

    The Rapidcheck 7 commercial drug tester detects oxycodone at 100 ng/ml.  Since 0.06 ng/ml is much much lower than 100 ng/ml, you would test negative for oxycodone.

    If metabolites are included, then the test for conjugated oxycodone would have detect to be less than 0.2 ng/ml.

    Drug tests are meant to catch habitual and/or daily users, not someone who took one pill a couple days ago for pain.

    I hope this answers your question.

  3. yes, but if it was prescribed to u then its not a problem they ask for a  list of prescritions that you are on before the test!

  4. Yeah, you're screwed.

  5. Yes.

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