
Will package arrive tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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I ordered something online that weighs only 1 pound. It had processed on August 11, and is shipped on August 12 (Today). Right now, it is in transit. There's not much traffic down here either. Also, I saw the EST delivery and it was August 13 (tomorrow). So is it a great chance that it will actually come tomorrow? It's actually a 6 hour drive from the center to where I live. If it is probably correct, I'll stay home to sign the package.




  1. Do you have a tracking number? You can go to their website and track it. Just because it is only 6 hours away doesn't mean a lot. It most likely was flown 700 miles away to a distribution center first.

  2. Yes.  Or else, no.

  3. the est is usually correct..

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