
Will parawax work as surf wax or what wax should i buy?

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i use parawax on my shortboard but it doesn't group up it just stays as a thin layer on the board idk if thats bad, where should i buy some new wax? no surf shops in my area




  1. dude aint gona work 4 S**t ay...get s*x wax now that is da S**t ay iv used it 4 years and had no problems u can buy it at ur local sk8 shop or surf shop

  2. When I started surfing, real surf wax was twenty-five cents a bar. You could buy a box with four bars of parafin wax, (each bigger than one bar of surf wax) for fifty cents. At 14, I used lots of parafin on my long board. In fact, watch them wax their boards with parafin in "endless Summer". But lets face it. At a buck and a half a bar, for good temperature specific wax, that forms nice little tractions bumps, buy the real stuff. Just stock up on it when you do get to visit a surf shop.

  3. well even though its not in your area i would go to a surfshop anyway and get some real wax. it will provide you with better grip. (better grip = more waves = happy surfers) if its like impossible to visit a surf shop you should order some from the internet. always get surf wax made for surfing and made for your temperature watter.

  4. i take that u dont live close to a beach so when u do just get some there..........get the tropical wax it works real well

  5. Personally, I would go to and order a 4 pack of "Greensurf" wax.  it comes in "Warm, Cool, Cold, etc varieties, all based on water temperature.  Check the average water water temperature in your area, and then you'll know which kind to get.  It's super cheap, I think a 4 pack is like 5 bucks.  Plus, it's totally biodegradable and non-toxic, so you can feel good about the fact that you aren't polluting  the ocean while you play in it!  Honestly, I think it's the best deal in wax out there.

  6. Probably won't work very well.  Too hard and not sticky.  If you're in a pinch you can make your own:

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