
Will penicillin cure an ear infection?

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If so, how many days will it take?




  1. Probably, but maybe not. There are many bacteria that can cause an ear infection.  It depends on the bacteria that is actually causing your ear infection and whether that bacteria is easily killed by penicillin.  

    If the antibiotic is working and you are taking it orally, you should start to feel some relief within a couple of days.  Just remember that it is important to take all of your prescribed antibiotics even if you start to feel better.

  2. Probably, although it is not usually a first line antibiotic for bacterial ear infections.  It will take 4-5 doses to achieve steady serum levels, at which point you should notice an improvement

    I'm assuming you are referring to Otitis media (OM), and you don't mention the age of the patient.  Current medical guidelines for uncomplicated OM in children do NOT encourage routine use of antibiotics, just proper pain relief.

    EDIT:  colloidal silver is useless, and potentially harmful.

  3. It depends on the type of ear infection the patient has. For infections of the ear canal, neomycin & hydrocortisone can be used; for otitis media, penicillin (esp. amoxicillin) is the first choice for children. If the case failed to respond to amoxicillin alone, Amoxicillin-clavulanate (Augmentin) can be given.

  4. Various antibiotics are prescribed by doctors for ear infections, and in an emergency situation when the infection is severe, it may be a good choice to take them, however antibiotics do not cure the cause if the infection and damage the immune system opening the body up to either the same infection recurring or to catching a variety of future infections for which the dictors will prescribe more antibiotics, further damaging the immune system and inviting more infections. A bad cycle that most Americans are in.

    I would suggest finding a natural health practitioner in your area or even visiting your local health food store and seeing what remedies they have to offer. In addition to whatever remedies are specific to the ear, you may like ot take some colloidal silver (careful not to exceed the recommended dose as overdose can discolor your skin) colloidal silver is great for the immune system and can help fight and prevent many infections.

    If symptoms don't improve in 2 or 3 days then go to the doctor and take the antibiotics but if you do, be sure to follow up with a colon cleanse and probiotic supplements to help restore the immune system.

    I hope you feel better.

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