
Will people REALLY elect Hillary president?

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An OLD LADY, prez of the US???! C'mon folks! Get serious!




  1. I pray that doesn't happen.

  2. I hope so!!

  3. Bubba will, but he's not real "people" is he.

  4. hope not

    but you never know john howard was in for 13 years   ;-(

  5. Nah, she'll probably go ahead and give her votes to Obama eventually. But as anyone can see who cares for their country, our best vote is for Rep. Ron Paul! He is not out and we need him for a president, unless you think the USA needs to be the USSR...

  6. There are many older people who could be a good president, and among them a majority would be female.  But Hillary Clinton is not one of them.  She is a monster.

  7. Hillary must really think that Americans are complete morons. First, her campaign slogan should be "vote for my genitalia". If anyone votes for Clinton because of her gender, then that voter should have their right to vote revoked, because they're obviously too stupid to take part in our democratic process!

    Second, Clinton thinks Americans are too dumb to manage their own health care! Let ME and the rest of Americans shop around for health insurance- just like we do for car insurance! The government IS NOT superior to the people! Don't let our elected officials like Hillary think that they are superior to the people! THEY work for US!

  8. I'm not too sure about this one...

  9. the people that vote for her have not seen what has happened with other countries that have female presidents like panama and puerto rico

  10. I believe that Hillary is a very poor role model for all the young women in this country.  She allowed (and probably still does) her husband to fool around all he wants - and the message to young women is that it is ok to live like that.  I believe she lives a lie in remaining married to Bill, and if she can do that, how honest will she be in the position of president?  I feel sorry for her daughter - and for America - if she does win the nomination (and in turn, become president).

  11. She is not that old.   It is not a beauty contest.  She is the best qualified candidate.

  12. no I think if she is the nominee she will ruin the Democratic party, because people who are on to her schemes would easily vote for McCain

  13. I HOPE NOT

  14. She'd be a fine president, and I will vote for her.  She does not have the personal magnetism of her husband, nor of Sen Obama, but at this point I think we're more concerned with competence than charisma.  The grown-ups of the nation will be voting for her.

  15. So McCain is a young man ? You get real...

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