
Will people please stop suggesting that just because I (and other women) are women, that we are only voting?

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with our reproductive organs?

Like most women, I vote primarily important issues and how I think the candidate will act on those issues, if I can vote in a woman or someone whose skin color often causes people to discriminate against him, even now, well then, so much the better.

I guarantee you as a Hillary supporter, I will NOT be brainlessly running off to support McCain and Pelin (not to say that some intelligent women might decide for intelligent reasons to vote for McCain and Pelin...but please, give us women some credit!)




  1. If you r a Hillary supporter you would vote for her. There would be no reason to vote for her.

  2. Amen!

  3. Tell that to sexist McCain!! He is completely out of touch with reality.  

  4. I LOL when people attempt to compare Palin to Clinton or Obama...This November is going to be hilarious to watch!!  

  5. I know to many women that were going to vote for HRC to buy you argument.  And it's Palin...    Not Pelin....  

    Brainlessly????  yea right  LMAO.....

  6. I had full intentions of voting for McCain before he chose Palin. I thought he was going to pick Rommey. But, Palin is an excellent choice

  7. I never thought that. Will you convince all the Obamabots and your Hillary sisters that I am not a racist or sexist because I didnt like Obama or Clinton based on policy, not race or gender? For the record i supported NONE of the democrat candidates.

  8. Oh my god thank you, finally some one intelligent on here. You get a star.

    Hey Joe you need to look at your facts again she got more votes then him but he won more contests which gained him more delegates

  9. This is the first rational talk I have heard here about this subject...and I for one thank you.

    To assume that women will now vote for McCain - who has a terrible record on women's issues - simply because his vp nominee is female is simply absurd.

    To think that women only vote with their hormones is simply sexist...

  10. There are Hillary supporters who are pro-abortion socialists. The willl undoubltedly stay with the Democrats. There are other women that supported Hillary because they wanted to see a woman President.

    These women were disappointed twice by the Democrats. First they had to accept Hillary's loss to Obama. Then even though she won almost as many delegates as Obama she wasn't offered the VP spot.

    A lot of those women will be taking a second look at the Republican ticket.

  11. Well, McCain seems to think women vote based on what does that tell you?

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