
Will peyton manning be starting for the colts this sunday?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Yes. I think he'll start. the question is, Will he be able to finish the game?  I just hope his "head" is not over-riding his injury. Just don't want to see a player "rush" back and take a chance to lose even more time. Good Luck to Him.

  2. Yes-- he will be starting that game.

    So in other words, the Bears can say bye-bye to any slim chance they might have had.

  3. yes he will  

  4. yeah he is ready to go  

  5. Yeah after the surgery he healed up before the last pre-season game...though he didn't play his knee healed up and should be ready for the season....bummer lol

  6. Yes he will be ready.

  7. yes. Im a bears fan so they better be blizting the h**l out of manning and getting in his face since he hasnt seen real action in a while he might be afraid to get hit. If the bears fail to blitz i will personlly jump threw the tv and kill lovie smith!!!!

  8. He will play this sunday and be ready. But no one knows how he will play do to the surgery. He hasn't seen any game time yet that will put pressure on him.

  9. Yes I have pure faith he will be back on his feet. He better anyways he is my QB for my league lol.

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