
Will plastic carrier bags outlive our species?

by Guest57047  |  earlier

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If man dies out, how long would our plastic carrier bags and other plastic rubbish/trash be around after we have gone? Will the next life form learn to live in harmony with all our old rubbish or will this new life form be suffocated or mangled up in it?




  1. The amount of plastic bags used in London every year could be wrapped around the earth 14 times. Total disgrace. And what's worse is that Londoners don't even care!!!!

  2. Yet another reason to do away with plastic bags. and recycle everything. the landfill problem is only getting worse

  3. Will plastic carrier bags outlive our species?


    Will the next life form learn to live in harmony with all our old rubbish?


    Will this new life form be suffocated or mangled up in it?

    Yes..  And that's the good news...

  4. yep yep

  5. yes, apparently plastic bags can survive radiactive fallout in the event of WWIII, while we shall all perish. However plastic bags cannot reproduce so will eventually die out too.

  6. The amouny of carrier bags my wife hoards will be enough for the next species to put the rest of the rubbish in.

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