
Will plastic stick to cement wet cement?

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I wont go into alot of detail so here goes... I built a crazy suspended concrete form and it has OSB as the bottom. My grandfather is afraid the OSB will become waterlogged and blow out. His idea is to put thin plastic down over the form before I pour to keep the OSB dry. My question is, after the concrete dries, will the plastic be stuck to the concrete or will it just peel off? If it would tend to stick, is there anything I could apply to the plastic to prevent this? Any concrete gurus please advise. Thanx!




  1. It will not stick. It is used for this purpose all the time.

  2. When concrete is poured in a form it normally has 8 mill plastic lining the forms to begin with ,it is covered with the same plastic.when it is drying

    the only thing you need to worry about is any fold in the plastic will show on the end result .

  3. I would say that it will not stick.......but I have put building paper under pours many times..........and strip it out.....and I would think visqueen will do the same should not have a problem...........all the best........nite.If your really worried grandpa will probably tell you to mix a little old motor oil and some diesel together and spray the forms or the visqueen lightly.....either should work fine.  bye.

  4. The plastci should not stick, but I would be cautious about using OSB for a suspended pour. Your grandfather is correct, and any leaks could spell trouble. Consider using a good plywood instead.

  5. The plastic sheeting should come right off after it sets. If you can use a pump up garden sprayer and spray a little diesel fuel on the plastic. It will not harm the concrete or plastic. I use to spray my wooden forms with diesel after I set them. It helped release better when we pulled the forms away when concrete was set.

    It made the wooden forms last longer too.

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