
Will playing with my parakeets kill them?

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i have just started to trian one of my birds( the other one is agressive and bite so hard), its been about 3 days and i was wondering if playing alot with my birds will kill them. all i do is take a perch and let him sit on it and now i he is getting used to sitting on my hand. i usually play with them for about3-4 hours a day. is that bad? if so why? and finally do any of you have parakeets? are they trained and how lon did it take? thx




  1. no, all you have to do is be very gentle. and of course you cant play with them day and night.

  2. If you don't hurt them when you play with them, and they don't eat anything bad for them, then they won't die. You can play with them as much as you want. But if they are tired, let them rest.

  3. You won't kill your birds.I love parakeets....mine is sitting on my desl right now.The more you play with her the more trained she will took mine about 2 weeks.

    her name is Honey.

  4. its not bad as long as ur not throwing them at the wall lol

    just be jentle but keep takin them back to there cage from time to time to get water and food and for a rest.

  5. Your not doing anything wrong that could kill them .Starting out training parakeets they might be aggressive but it just takes some time and patience. Don't play with them to long because they might get more impatient . I have two parakeets of my own and i play with them for about 30 minutes a day and each day there training adds up and without tiring them they learn the tricks i teach them. It just depends How fast they can learn the amount of time you spend training them and how patient you are with them. Hoped i help good luck!;D

  6. Might want to play with only for about 1-2 hours because their are very gentle

  7. dosent seem like your doing anything wrong, my cousin has a parakeet and he has been letting her out flying around and sitting all them and she is still alive but the pet shop they got her from said that females are more aggressive so maybe you should check that out

  8. I used to have parakeets when I was about 10 years old, and I used to let mine out of their cage (when the fan was off and all doors and windows were closed) to fly around for a bit. I dont think having them out and playing with them will kill them, just as long as you are really careful.

    I think that the amount of time it will take to train them depends on the bird itself. Some animals take to being handled and trained, while others dont care much for it at all.

  9. Just be careful, I played with mine, and the next day it got a heart attack and died in my hands in a few minutes.

    You can see a video of how a bird looks after a heart attack on

    Type in Budgerigar heart attack.

    Just be careful and don play for more than 10 minutes if he is constantly flying.

  10. Being close and interactive with them is the only way to make good pets of them. Just don't force them to do things or wear them out they'll be fine.

  11. You can play with them very much. Just be gentle and respect what they want. If they want to go in or seem tired or scared just put them in or train them how to go back in when they want. Just be careful when they are out of cage that other animals are away from them, mirrors are covered as they will try to fly through them and can break neck or get head injury. make sure all ceiling fans are off and all standing water is shut off like tiolet cooking pots. It takes a good amount of time and patience to train them but it is worth it. My first Parakeet bit the heck out of me at first but in about 2 months I had her flying to me eating out of my hand and sitting on my head and shoulder. The step up method is good. What you do is put your hand in the cage and I use two fingers. Go right up underneath her chest with your two fingers and kind of push a little to knock her off balance a tad and at the same time say step up keep doing until she does. Then praise her and tell her how good she is. Just never knock her down as she will then be afraid of you. Time and patience and love and affection is all it takes good luck.

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