
Will pool video games will help you play billiard in reality?

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For example: Pool in Yahoo! Games

If it does, by how many percentage?




  1. absolutly, since pool is 80 percent angles, video games can definatly help you with your accuracy. the stick weight is something you can figure later. if you're accurate you can shot pool with a broomstick!

  2. nope .........

  3. If you're really good at yahoo pool, don't expect to take that skill to a real table, and think you're gonna rake in the cash.

  4. yes with the angles and geometry. but not much else..

  5. no.....realtity is reality n Video games r video games........

  6. You may possibly learn the rules and the position play of the game.....maybe even some strategy.....but still nothing like hlding the stick and learning the stroke......other then that not really going to help much.....

  7. I don't think so since you really don't feel the weight of the stick and the physics reactions are no the same.

  8. Video games can sometimes help with strategy.  For example, it can give you ideas for how to run out a rack, pattern play, etc.  For the actual execution of the stroke, it does nothing whatsoever.  There are only three things that you as the shooter can control at the pool table: Angle, Speed, and Spin.  So, as I tell my students, "Cover your A.S.S."  The angle of the shot is already prescribed.  Spin is where your cue tip will contact the cue ball.  Speed control is actually more than 1/3 of your pool game.  All a video game will do is give you someone else's idea of what "slow" and "fast" means.  If I had to guess what percentage a video game helps your real game, I'd say around 5%.  There's nothing wrong with playing computer games, but don't make a mental link between them and the real thing.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  9. It might help you with some of the geometry but I don't have any proof.

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