
Will potato chips (salted) hurt my tiel ?

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I don't want to hurt him




  1. Never ever give your tiel potatoe chips. They are entirely too salty.

    I have a green cheek conure that stole a piece of my chip when I wasn't looking once. He threw up over and over. The salt is too much for their little bodies!

  2. A tiny, tiny piece may not hurt him but it isn't good for him.  It's just a bad idea.

    The following foods should not be fed to our birds:

    Salty foods, processed sugar, avocado, rhubarb, alcohol, greasy foods, caffeine, tomato leaves & stems, eggplant leaves, dried beans (always cook or fully sprout first), chocolate, apple seeds, fruit pits, tobacco. Feed onions or garlic in very small amounts only.

    With all the healthy foods we have, there's really no reason to feed our birds things they shouldn't have.  (You've just gotta learn to ignore those pitiful little faces and plaintive cries :-)


  3. These great beings have no cause nor evolutionary need to take in salt in the quantities found in potato chips; moreover, the salt they do naturally take in and native to their habitats is of a wholly different nature and with co-factors that manufacturing processes cannot duplicate.  

    Birds of course are not human beings and thereto have completely different physiologies, featuring different gradients...  We do know that salt is contraindicated in humans having hypertensive conditions.  Birds do tend to have high metabolic rates relative to their body masses -- this is especially true of humming birds.  And so there is no telling what indications will result if the bird takes on salt that is does not obtain from its normal and healthy food intake.  

    The salt quantity as found in potato chips would in addition unbalance the regulation of water within your bird's system, which can cause edemas and other associated problems unforeseeable.

  4. Forget the potato chips. There is entirely too much salt and fat in them. Better you should sit with your bird and munch carrots together. ----Yogi

  5. yes salt and sugar aint good for birds

  6. Only 2 foods that will hurt your birds and this goes for all birds. AVOCADO AND CHOCOLATE. As long as none of these 2 foods are in it, it is safe for your bird.

  7. just like the other person, avocado and chocolate are deadly foods for your cockatiel. Try not to give him/her a lot because they tend to be fatty.

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