
Will power companies pay you for your excess power?

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If one had solar panels or a wind turbine would the power companies pay out for excess electricity put on the grid?




  1. You need to check with them or your state energy commission.  In California, we have net metering.  When I am making more than I am using, the excess goes into the utility lines, and I can get that much back when I am using more than I am making.  At the end of the year I pay them for any excess usage.  If I make more than I use, it gets given to the power company.

    I understand only industrial users can sell their excess to the power company here.

  2. By law they should,  but utilities are reluctant to agree to it, partly because it turns the network increasingly unstable.

    In New York, it is practically impossible, unless you are ready to get into a long, drawn out, and expensive legal fight.


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