
Will prescription drugs be allowed into country ?

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I live in the UK, if i order some prescription drugs from abroad will they be allowed into the country through customs ?




  1. a site that is based in the UK that specializes in 'imported generics' sounds like what you are looking for. try the link below and use their phone number or email to ask more questions about customs. I know they ship worldwide because my boyfriend has bought from them in the past

  2. Yes. You will have no problems other then the package may be opened and inspected. So long as the chemist name and prescription number are listed on the bottle you are fine.

  3. The get checked at customs.  if they are scheduled drugs, you will get a visit from the CID ( drug squad).   it is not an offence to order them, but you are very unlikely to receive them.  More likely to get the police at your door.

    If they are NOT scheduled drugs, then when you receive a note from customs, you can challenge this.

    In short, it is not worth it.

  4. Not if customs knows what they are, if they are prescription only, in the UK, they will not be allowed through.

  5. I ordered some strong sleeping pills from an online Swiss Pharmacy. They arrived no problem.  I had to answer a lot of questions on the website, like from a doctor, and they arrived with a doctors prescription.

    I also ordered some prescription drugs from America and they arrived okay. I had to fill in a similar form and they had a doctors prescription with them.

    It is a bit of a farce because the doctor doesn't know anything about you, and it is easy to tick all the right boxes so they don't have any reason not to send the drugs. They are only paying lip service to the prescription thing - they just want the business.

    In both cases the drugs were genuine. You can tell from the website if it is genuine. Don't buy from pharmacies that send out spam.

  6. no dont take that chance it could be mistake for drugs

  7. Yes they will come through. But really you order one thing, and they are probably sending fakes, ie placebos.  

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