
Will prince william be our next king?

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Will prince william be our next king?




  1. No, unfortunately Prince Charles of wales is next in line. She may adore Prince William more than anyone but Prince Charles is designated to be king. However, unless Prince Charles did something that would have removed him from the line of succession, or he decides to abdicate, or passed away, it is highly unreasonable and irrational for the Queen to remove Prince Charles and replace him with Prince William.

    I would love to see Prince William as the next king and let Prince Charles retire with Camilla, but I don't make the rules and neither does the Queen (she only follows the laws and regulations set by her predecessors and the British Parliament).

    The line of succession to the British Throne is an ordered list of the people in line to succeed to the throne of the United Kingdom. The succession is regulated by the Act of Settlement 1701. The British line of succession strictly states that "A person is always immediately followed in the succession by his or her own legitimate descendants (his or her "line"). Birth order and gender matter:

    - older sons (and their lines) come before younger sons (and theirs)

    - a person's sons (and their lines), irrespective of age, all come before his or her daughters (and their lines)

  2. As much as I feel the concept of royalty is totally irrelevant in this century, I don't have a problem with William being crowned if royalty must continue for a bit longer until it is finally phased out. It's hard to know what will be done, but they really should forget about Charles and give the crown to William.

    William is the only person in the royal family that has any concept of what is happening in the world and he is the most educated and  grounded member of their family. He gets his compassion from his late mum, Diana, and is the closest the royals are ever going to get in having someone with a personal touch as a king.

    It is the old fuddy duddies who are keeping the royal system going with their loyalties. It is the Sir Nobodies and the Sir Connected to Somebody who Slept with Someone, and all their hangers on that keep the whole thing going.

    If people in Australia have issues with someone being paid by Centrelink for not working, then they should have an even bigger issue with people getting paid to wave to large crowds. To regain their credibility, the royals are going to have to come back down to earth, and help their subjects who pay to keep them there. Only with Prince William can the royals hope to keep the public's interest.

  3. Only if Prince Charles either predeceases the Queen or gives up his right to the throne. The latter is extremely unlikely.

  4. He won't be mine, that's for sure.

  5. I think so...

    I agree with  Patti ...

  6. I have always loved the thought of Princess Beatrice as Queen, Andrew and Fergies oldest. She has a lovely birth  chart, 8/8/1988 at 8;15, what fun. She is reported to be the Queens favorite grandchild. Also , the last 2 , King and Queen were Yorks?? Intresting.?

  7. i have good new and bad news...the queen decided to bipas her son and give the throne to william...but then grand dutchess camilla said that if she dsnt bcome queen shell devorce charles and go on the news and talk about the dirty secrets of the royal family...thus the queen was forced to reinstate chrles and thus camilla was granted aprooval to become queen to avoide trashing the monarchy camilla will be queen of canada also...yeay for me...,,but thers hope that the queen will go back to choosing its clear that evryone hates camilla so noone would care if she talks or not ....and willy would be king..yeaay

  8. I think it is Charles the third and then William the fifth

  9. No, he is second in line to the throne. The throne is passed on down the generations in a strict pattern, oldest male gets it first. Therefore Prince Charles is next in line. If he abdicates (gives up his kingship) or when he dies William will be second in line as he is the oldest son to oldest son:) After him is would be Harry as he is the third in line

  10. No it will be his father Charles. Then William and after William his children.

  11. Well there is still Charles, who is next in line to the throne. He will become Charles III, but kings called Charles haven't had the best of luck in the past. William is next in line after Charles. Personally I think Queen Elizabeth II will stick around for good few more years, she's doing and looking very well for her age. I think Charles may actually pop his clogs before she ever does, and then William will become King of England.

  12. Not to the Americans!

  13. I'm hoping he will,but Prince Charles is next in line.

  14. Only if Charles abdicated (which I doubt he would) or died before his time came.

  15. I heard a while ago that so that Charles could marry Camilla the queen said on the condition that William turns 30 he was abdicate and let him be King. Assuming I suppose that Queenie is dead by then - going by her Mum she'll live until 102!

  16. I hope so! I really dont want Charles to be king because he's just too old and if he's king then that Camilla will be queen!

  17. His father Charles will be.....

  18. Not if Charles is still alive.

    You have to feel for Prince Charles. The poor guy has been trained for a job that he may either never get a chance to perform, or if he does, it may only be for a short while.  He is actually managing the whole "waiting around for Mummy to drop dead" procedure pretty well, compared to Edward VII, the last son of a long-lived monarch.  Queen Victoria didn't do a very good job in allowing Edward to learn the monarchy, and even deliberately cut him out of the loop for a very, very long time.  As a result, Edward had nothing else to do except please himself.  QEII has done a much better job, and I suspect that over the next few years, Charles will be taking on more and more of the role as age begins to take its toll.

    If QE II hangs around another 15 years, then in 2022, Charles will be 75 when he ascends the throne, and William will be 40.  With the long-lived genes the Windsors have, William may conceivably not be King until he is almost 55. And, I suspect, he's just fine with that.  As a prince, he has a lot more freedom than he would has monarch.

  19. No his father will.

    If the Queen lives another twenty years then Charles will still be here to take the throne and, may I say, with the full support of his son.

  20. Yes, because it seems like the Royals tend to have a long life.  The Queen Mother lived to over a 100, the Queen will live long, if Charles does become King he will only be so for a short while.

  21. "I hope so! I really dont want Charles to be king because he's just too old "

    Charles's great great grandfather, Edward VII, was 60 when he succeeded his mother, Victoria. He only ruled for nine years but was one of the great kings and became known as the Peacemaker. Had he lived longer, World War I might not have happened. Edward had a long affair with Camilla's great-great grandmother but never married her.

    Charles has been trained for the job and will make a good king. Camilla will be a good queen. Charles probably won't reign for long but he deserves his chance. William will get the job in due course.

  22. No,the next in line of succession is the Prince of Wales,Charles.His reign is expected to be a short one,due to the length of his mother's reign. Prince Charles is expected to "pave the way" for his son.

  23. The next king will be George VII, as that's the name Charles has chosen to be known as.

  24. not necessarily........this time it is going to be chosen partly by lottery, and partly by premium rate phone-in.

    Favourite to win is Sid Loach from Hackney London.

    Sid is 45 and likes horse racing and dirty phone calls.

    THe other option is a King for the Day scheme, giving thousands a chance to sample impotent power and possibly inspiring another excruciating reality tv show.

    Any one can challenge the Throne by Divine Right..this option

    is open to any self-elected spiritual person who can read or write. And anyone else.

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