
Will problems return after I stop wearing glasses?

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I just recently got an eye test and found that I have grown to become short-sighted over the past year or so, apparently because of something in my parents' genetics. I will be wearing glasses for a year, and then I'll be tested again since the problem is set to be fixed by then. I'm happy with the glasses I'm getting, but I'd like to know how taking the strain from my eyes now and fixing the problem by using glasses for just a year will do anything about my short-sightedness in the long run - how can this fix things permanently if I stop wearing them after a year like I'm told? What will prevent me any problems returning after I stop using them?




  1. Ive never heard of that. It would be best to speak to your optician.

  2. honestly this can't be answered by anyone but your optometrist.

  3. Once your eyesight has been diognosis by the optician (short/long sighted, etc) it will not go back to normal unless you have laser surgery which i dont really recommened this. Continue wearing your glasses when you need them, i'm shortsighted myself and needed stronger prescription for not wearing my glasses often, as i kept blinking and stuff, but now, i love them because they make my eyes really clear!

  4. Generally once you are near sighted you always are. It doesn't fix itself by wearing the glasses, only corrects your vision while you are wearing the glasses. I am guessing you are mid to late teens? If so, they are probably having you come back to see if your vision has become more near sighted. It is during these years that vision can change from year to year as you grow. Your glasses focus light on the retina to give you good vision. Without the glasses your own eye fails to accomplish this. The only way to "fix" nearsighted vision is with glasses, contacts or corrective surgery.

  5. It's funny how your avatar already has glasses.  :)  Anyway, yeah, I agree; your optometrist would be much more qualified to answer questions like these than anyone on Yahoo Answers.

    My twin brother's eyesight actually got better when he DIDN'T wear his glasses, so I don't know how wearing glasses will help your eyesight . . . unless it doesn't correct your vision completely in the short-term.  I'd look into methods for healing your eyesight, though.  I read that they used to CURE nearsightedness, astigmatism, and other problems caused by irregularly-shaped eyeballs back in the 20s by doing exercises that strengthened the muscles around the eyeballs.  I once bought a course called "Vision Freedom," which claimed to do this.  I started to do it, and it started to work, but I got lazy and stopped.  Heh.

    I just thought you might like that bit of information.  :-P


    The assertion that once you become nearsighted it will not go back to normal is simply NOT true.  Again, my brother's eyesight improved.  MY eyesight has improved, too!  Ask your optometrist; it happens.

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