
Will professional football ever come to Canada?

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all they have is ice hockey up there. they need to see a real sport like the NFL for a change.




  1. There has been professional football in Canada for over 100 years.  It is call the CFL (Canadian Football League).

    The championship game takes place on Sunday November 25th called the Grey Cup.

  2. All "we" have is hockey (you don't need the ice, baby)? OK, Canadian football which has been around longer than your NFL is not professional. So why is it Walter Payton's son, Jarret, plays up here and has no desire at all to enter the NFL. He actually prefers the CFL and makes Montreal his year round home.

    Real sport? Yeah, where two teams dominate and the season is all but over now. Love your TD celebrations down there and the corporate blandness. Call us back when you guys get some young good QBs, Vinny Testaverde.

  3. They have the CFL. It is professional league. Field is longer, less downs., I believe 1 pt. is awarded if you don't run the ball out of the end zone.

    Actually if some of the players were more talented, I'd like their rules compared to the NFL.

  4. Are there Canadians who want the NFL in Canada?  Yes.  Do all Canadians?  No.

    For what it's worth, the Bills do have a decent-sized Canadian fan base, and with Niagara Falls being a lot closer to Buffalo than Toronto, it would make sense that there'd be Bills fans living there.

    That being said, there are plenty of people in TO, the city that is talking about acquiring the Bills, who could care less about the NFL, or the CFL for that matter.  If the Bills were to play a game or two over here next season, I'd probably go, but if they moved here permanently, I wouldn't buy season's tickets.

    Then again, there's the whole logistical issue of whether Toronto can build an NFL-sized arena, and all, which has already been discussed here.  But seeing how the Asker was putting down both the CFL and the sport of hockey, he's obviously just a flamer, so I've said enough already.


                                                  WHICH OWNS NFL

  6. I hardly classify NFL football as a "real sport."

    As a Canadian, here's my take on U.S. football:

    1. If you weigh 375 lbs, you're not an athlete: you're just fat.

    2. There's nothing manly about guys running around in tights, slapping each others bottoms after scoring

    3. American football takes too friggin long to play. Seriously, what's this c**p with running out the clock and having the last 2 mins of the game take 30 mins to play???

    4. The showboating exhibited by players is annoying.

    5. I tried watching NFL football on TV once, but the game interfered with the 6 hours of commercials they show.

    6. Rugby players can take a hit without 3 tonnes of gear, why not American football players?

    Hockey is great, NFL football is c**p.

    End of story.

  7. Says you.  We're happy as we are.  Don't you think you Yanks have screwed up enough things in other countries already?  We have no desire for the No Fun League to come here.

    Actually Rodeo Queen this will be the 95th Grey Cup game this year.

  8. Our B.C. Lions are going to win the Grey Cup again for the second year in a row!!

  9. They have professional football, it's called "mounting a mountie", eh!  Go Eskimos, your colors kick @ss on Hi-Def!

  10. I assume you mean "Will the NFL ever come to Canada?" They have pro football in the CFL, which is full of guys who couldn't make it in the NFL. Ricky Ray is a superstar in Canada, but couldn't cut it in the NFL, he couldn't stick as a third stringer for the Jets two years ago.

    Don't buy this "We don't want the NFL to come to Canada". They do. I was in Niagara Falls, Ontario last month and they are crazy about the NFL. The Buffalo Bills get more attention than the Toronto Argonauts. No kidding! The Canadians know all about the NFL, they want it that badly. I live in the U.S., near the Canadian border, and Canadians come to New York State wearing NFL gear all the time. You can tell a Canadian, they are lousy tippers if they tip at all.  They even have their own Super Bowl parties! Don't believe them when they say they don't want the NFL, they do.

  11. Question shows a lack of knowledge in the areas of professional football and professional hockey!!!!   The very professional CFL and NHL are exciting leagues.  Many Canadians do watch and enjoy the NFL but hopefully those who don't enjoy NFL football don't express such a negative attitude in public.  You are definitely welcome to enjoy the NFL, if that is your choice, but please don't express yourself so negatively concerning the choices of others!!!!

  12. Will you ever grow a real brain?  Or are you happy with sawdust?

    The US needs real football, not the "No Fun League".

  13. YES they will. Bob McCowen always talks about this on Prime Time Sports. The Buffalo Bills are working out a deal to send some games to Toronto. The aging owner wants to keep the team in the same region and feels that Toronto (45 min, drive) can keep its same fan base. In addition to that, Toronto is a big market which can help economically. Buffalo is a struggling market, Toronto is a strong market. I see it happening in the next 10 years.

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