
Will prominent conservatives admit that Johnny just threw away their party's chances?

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McCain has totally undermined the central message of his campaign, while also taking identity politics and cynical pandering to a whole new low. While Obama picked a VP that would make his ticket and the country stronger, and provide for an able president if something were to happen to him, John McCain chose winning a political campaign above what is best for this country. It is reckless, and putting a true amateur a heartbeat (or stroke) away from controlling the country puts the country in danger. His campaign is over:

Not to mention it is incredibly offensive to women, and to Sarah Palin herself, for McCain to have picked his VP solely on gender, and fully expecting women all over the country to support him because of her gender. Its shameless. Politics at its worst.




  1. McCain made a big mistake.

    I thought McCain ran on morals but I was wrong. I cannot believe he would sacrifice his own values just to try and win the nomination.  How low can you go.

  2. Worked for me.  McCain/Palin for 2008

  3. You worry about "IF" something happens to McCain there will be a less experienced person running the country.

    Yet the dems put up Obama who would be president with no "IF's" with less experience than his running mate and that's okay?

  4. apparently you share the opinion of alot of conservative commentators.its pandering at best and at worst its irresponsible to put this woman in this position of maybe becoming president.not a good move on McCain's part.

  5. Palin brings more experience to the ticket than what Obama has.  When you find proof that McCain picked Palin based solely on her gender, please post it here as I would like to see that.

  6. the more you libs whine about Palin, the higher I rate her as a pick.

  7. she has executive experience on a much smaller scale, but she has it none the less. She seems to have met every challenge in her life head on and if Mc Cain dies in office she will do a great job running this country with the support of her cabinet, which will be stronger then the one Obama will be leaning on if elected President.

  8. Sarah Palin is a very accomplished Governor of Alaska who has fought corruption, even within her own party.

    Her qualifications and character. are what got her to this level.

    It seems Republicans have much more respect for women aspiring for higher office.

    A great many conservatives are positively energized about this choice because of her character and her record.

  9. She has more exp than Obummer

  10. I dont get this whole "offensive to woman"..offensive WHY? it seems to me that rather than demeanng the Republican party and McCain for his choice of Palin..anyone with an ounce of common sense would applaude McCain for going against traditional stratagies of the GOP. A SMART person would embrace it, applaude it and form thier argument against McCain by showing that even he knew change was Obama has said from the beggining. Thats the problem with so many of his Liberal supporterrs..they find it so much easier to jump to conclusions and start making childish remarks and namecalling without thinking anything through! Thats why I decided NOT to vote for Obama..because although he calls for a end to racism, sterotypes and etrying to even the playing field through UNITY..its his own supporters who prove it will never work..because they are not willing to change..they only want  what they THINK obama is going to give them..You will NEVER convince anyone that change is possible..because his own supporters refuse to set the example. They have proven, by thier hateful words and actions that real change is nothing more than cheap talk..

  11. Well if you are that afraid of her inexperience then why in the world would you vote for Obama?  He has about the same amount of experience as Palin.  At least her experience has been in the executive branch.

  12. This lady has liberals' shorts all in a bunch. lol!

    I'm lovin' it, and I ain't talkin' McDonalds.

  13. thepersonalispolitical?


    Some lonely doof, sitting in his mom's basement and blogging...that's your 'source'?

    Then I guess I can rebut with Glenn Beck. Not only is he nationally known AND conservative, but he came out for Palin months ago:

    Good post, LES...I mean, if a Republican can't get a fair shake in the Boston press, where can they get one?

    Really, BELAIR: "A lot of conservative commentators?" Well, the one you continously throw in our face has been quite vocal in his support.

    Not sure why I continue to provide sources to you people, you never want the facts to get in the way.

    PS: By your logic, then, that Rosa Parks sure was offensive to black people, wasn't she?

  14. The only thing I find offensive is Obama's over-inflated ego.  I would have voted for McCain no matter who he picked as his VP.

    So get over yourself.

  15. You wish! Welcome aboard Clinton Supporters!  lol

  16. I agree

  17. As a matter of fact most of the conservatives think this is an excellent choice.  Most political analysts think its a good choice.  In November people who actually think will make the same choice.

    Sarah Palin doesn't appear to be too offended by McCains choice and most women I know are quite interested to learn of it.  I would take a sane right thinking person like Palin in a time of national crisis over a slick talkin dude with backwards ideas and friends who are declared enemies of the country any day.

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