
Will publishing a book make a lot of money??

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I have currently written a book and i am taking it to an agency to see if it can be published but i was just wondering if it does get published will i earn a lot of money of it or not ????

thanks xx




  1. Usually, publishing a book doesn't make that much money especially if you self publish it considering you must pay your own expenses. But if it's a big hit, like Harry Potter, than you'll get a lot of money. You need to get your book out there and get people to buy it. It needs to have something different that makes it really interesting and something people would want to buy or read.

    The average bestseller only sells around 30,000 books. That actually isn't a lot. There are so many books in this world because it is so easy to get a book published.

    My cousin is only 13 years old and she has a published novel. She wrote it when she was 10. She self published it, so that costed her about $1,500. She had a unique idea for the book and people buy it because they see how young she was and that attracts buyers. She's only sold about 200 copies since it's full publication in June.

  2. whats it about maybe if its that good they make a movie jk rowling riches womenn in england

  3. It depends how many people buy it. The writers get a very small share of what comes out of selling a single book as they have to pay for the publishing and the place that has sold the books have to have an input in the money but as more and more get sold, the more money the writer will get. Writing does not automatically mean you will get rich. Only few writers make it big. I wouldn't give up your day job, not to be disrespectful, you may be a talented writer, but it is very unpredictable.

  4. Depends how many people buy it.

    How many do you expect to sell?

  5. What agency are you taking it to?

    An agency is a company made up of literary agents. Literary agents will take on your work and submit it to major publishing houses if they think it's of publishable quality. For this service--and a lot of others--they get 15% of the proceeds if your book sells, and by "proceeds" I mean the amoutn the publishing house pays YOU.

    Publishing a book costs you nothing. Everyone talking about you paying for the cost of publishing--you paying for anything at all--is talking about self/vanity publishing. This is not the way you want to go. The average self-published book sells about 150 copies at the most.

    Money flows to the author. At this time I have seven published books. Not one of them cost me a dime. I made money on them--good money, for a few of them--and have just signed a contract with a major NY house for three more. Again, all that cost me was my agent's 15% commission--and the time and effort to write a good, publishable book, which is not easy.

    Most writers don't earn a lot of money. A lot of us have day jobs or a spouse who works to contribute to the bills etc. The average advance for a first-time author's book hovers around $5000 (depending on genre etc.) But it should earn you some money. It shouldn't cost you anything, and real publishing doesn't.

    Here's some other sites to check for more info on this: (this is a huge writer's forum, with lots of info and helpful people)

    Good luck!

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