
Will putting Google Adsense on my blog increase traffic?

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Will putting Google Adsense on my blog increase traffic and how much? Is it worth trying?




  1. Sometimes Yes and sometimes No. If the ads displayed are matching with your content it can drive more traffic. It is worth trying if you have a good traffic, say at 100 visitors per day as it will increase your revenue.

    If you are looking for an adsense alternative then you can check Minimum payment is 10$ and it pays by Paypal.

    Google Adsense Alternative.

  2. Putting Google Adsense ads on your site will make no difference to the amount of traffic you receive.


  3. no basically is the answer, you need to drive traffic to your site, which takes time

    these links will help to drive traffic to you.

  4. I don't think so, it will retar decrease your traffic I think...

  5. The simple answer is NO putting ads on your blog will NOT increase traffic.

    But if you have enough visitors it may help you make some extra Cash.

    If you’d like a free website analysis on how we can help you increased traffic to your blog please contact us

  6. Hi, great question...

    I'm not an expert at all with Google Adsense however I do make a reasonably good income from it. :) My understanding is that having Adsense on your website or blog wouldn't increase traffic... However it will increase your income. (If you do it right!) :)

    It's definitely worth while trying though. Make sure you read Google's terms of service. Look how other websites use Adsense. It's a really great way to start your online business too. You can work up to more and more income everyday. It's really motivational, and in my opinion, one of the best innovative ideas to help small businesses build a basic income ever. :)

    You could also use  to help you kick start some immediate traffic to your websites too...

    Hope that helps. :)


  7. HI,

    It depends on the viewers clicks on the Ads in your Blog

  8. There is no objective measure for how much money you make a day, but I assure you $1 is by no means your ceiling.  I once had a blog earn $200 in one day.  It's a function of your traffic, how well you optimize for relevant placements, how you format the ads within your allotted space, and so on.

    But under no circumstances does Adsense itself drive traffic.  That would only work if Adsense ads somehow improved your site's profile for search engine optimization (SEO), but that is simply not the case.

  9. Putting google adsense on your blog itself will most likely not increase your blog traffic. You can make a little money with adsense, but it is often minimial, not even $1 per day. If you want to increase traffic to your blog you need to try writing articles at or They are excellent sources to generate traffic to any website or blog. If you want to make extra money with your blog I consider you check out the following site:  

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