
Will quade cooper make the Wallabies in 2008?

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Do u think he will? i rekon he will, he will replace barnes and kurtley az the austrlia A 1st 5 then push his way into the walabies?? wat u guys think?




  1. only seen him play once v waikato last year and he was terrible

    mind you the wallabies arnt up to waikato level so maybe

  2. Unlikely id say considering Matt Gituea it looking pretty d**n sharp,  Berrck Barnes in the incumbent so i dont think so perhaps maybe the bench for early season tests against weaker teams. Hopefully the NZRU signs him to that would be a good one to get over the ARU

  3. No, not if the NZRU gets its way and signs the young chap to a NZ contract, apparently Wellington or Otago need a NO.10

    and since the boy is a Kiwi, left NZ when he was 14, they may see him as a future prospect for the Black jersey.

  4. Quade has a bit of potential behind him - but not getting much game time for the queensland reds could hinder this prospect of making the wallabies. He is also a bit of an inconsistant performer, and he has to deal with the likes of Berick Barnes if he wants to wear that no. 10 jersey. So, at the moment, i would say no Quade would not make the wallabies but in the near future - most definitly

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