
Will "The Employee Free Choice Act" end up costing OBAMA the election? Will the public turn sharply against..?

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Will "The Employee Free Choice Act" end up costing OBAMA the election? Will the public turn sharply against Barack Obama and Joe Biden when people become informed about this bill and its blatant corrupt design to allow mobsters to intimiade workers into joining Unions and going on permanent record----much the same way that Chavez and Putin run their "Democratic" elections in their countries.




  1. No, but nice way to use scare tactics that are based on little more than lies. Are you a manager at Wal Mart?

  2. Sorta like how Wal-Mart threatens to fire employees who want to start a union - sorta like how the employees aren't even allowed to "gather" lest they start talking about organizing?

  3. I hope so.  Unions are angry that workers have rejected their corruption and have chosen free will.  They have showered Obama with money to get this insidious legislation passed, and they will settle for nothing less.

  4. Dude as you can plainly see here, Obama(peace be unto him) could propose legislation in which every American's 1st born child would be taken from them and forced into slave labor camps for the state, and these morons in their messiah-complex haze would simply say "Ohh-Kay"

  5. i doubt it.

    mccain voted in favor of the bush admin over 95% of the time.

    no amount of spin will ever be able to undo that...

  6. No because the issue is not that important to most Americans.  In any case, Obama's statement on the Act includes, "The Employee Free Choice Act offers to make binding an alternative process under which a majority of employees can sign up to join a union. Currently, employers can choose to accept--but are not bound by law to accept--the signed decision of a majority of workers. That choice should be left up to workers and workers alone."  

    Sounds right to me.  

  7. It should, there are few things I have ever read that are LESS democratic but the Dems have to reward their union supporters somehow..

  8. it should, what a disgrace this act is!  not suprisingly, unions have had more ppl indicted than any other organization in america. not  parroting anything, here is your link.  this is nothing more than unions trying to bully employees by taking away their right to a secret ballot.

  9. It will hurt him in the "Rust belt"  the people there are already weary of the Unions inablity to keep jobs in thier area.  They are beginning to question the Union leadership and want change.  This is an attempt at status quo in the Unions where they can keep the fat cats in charge.  I question how a candidate of change could ever side with this bill for a number of reasons.  The biggest being the membership don't want it, the leadership does.

  10. What are you talking about?  You just expect me to believe your interpretation of the act?  How about a link so we can make up our own minds?  Or have you even read it?  I bet your just parroting something you heard on talk radio.

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