
Will recreational use effect my ARNG enlistement?

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering if you used "maryjane" in the past just recrationally, at parties or with friends, if this will effect enlistement. Should I be truthfull about it? I have NO criminal record at all. Clean as a whistle




  1. As long as you're currently completely honest about it. If you're talking recreational as in 100 times in the last 6 months, then you'll have a problem; but if it's more like 5 times in the last 6 months, don't worry about it. You  just had to experience several times before realizing it wasn't something you enjoyed. Good Luck.

  2. You should come clean, because they can find out.  When you fill out your security clearance paperwork (National Agency Check is required for enlistment), it could come up.  They tend to talk to people who knew you for the past seven years.

    You will need a waiver, but it's a pretty easy process.  Talk to your recruiter about it.

  3. Yeah come clean about it. As long as you're not doing it now and it was in the past you will be fine.

  4. more than ten or 12 times over a lifetime is disqualifying.  recent use( within the last 12 months) is disqualifying.

    Lying about it is gonna land you in more trouble than if you were just honest from the get go.  

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