
Will recycling centers take appliances?

by  |  earlier

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like a fridge and a dishwasher?

aand if so how much could i get for them...they dont work...

or will a scrap or junk yard pay for them?




  1. Here in Texas we recycle paper,plastic aluminium, copper, metal ,steel.and rubber.I would have to say yes.I don't know how they pay.but here they pay for aluminium,copper,metal and steal.

  2. it all depends on were you live some places will take them other places you must pay a tipping fee to take them to a dump site.Some places you pay to dump them but they go into the white metal section and the town will get money for them from a larger scrap dealer

  3. Some do some don't. It is best to go to your local recycling centers website(or wherever you have in mind and check. Where are you located? Our local transfer station has a big pile to put stuff in. and some do pay for it but very few don't. So just check out the website!!!

  4. Ya they will take appliances. If they dont work then may be you will get less money.

  5. for recycling scrap prices on white goods go to http://www.scrapmetalpricesandauctions.c...

  6. it all depends on what type of appliance it is. some fridges and freezers have a chemical called freon in them most places wont take things with freon system on it.

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