
Will reducing the speed limit reduce the death toll?

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Will reducing the speed limit reduce the death toll?




  1. Speeding is a major reason for accidents. So anything which will force some discipline on reckless drivers will be a welcome idea. It includes lowering speed limits and introducing harsh penalties for law-breakers.

  2. Having been there when the national speed limit was dropped to 55 and when the national speed limit was raised, H have to say no.

    This is because in both cases the death tolls on our high ways decreased for a slight dip, and then returned to a higher level.

    As some one else wrote, we need better drivers on the high way. No amount of regulations will decrease the number of deaths. Driving requires full attention to the task at hand, which is something most drivers are willing to invest in.

  3. Theoretically, yes, a lower speed limit should reduce driving fatalities. In reality, it means that some drivers will continue to drive 65-75 mph because a) their vehicle is capable of that speed, b) that's how fast they drove before, c) they don't have time to wait to travel at a lower speed.

    The results will be more revenue for the states from speeding tickets and the collisions will continue with the usual tragic and costly consequences.

  4. You may be able to dictate speed, but you can do nothing about stupidity, and lack of safety conciousness. So no, not substantially, bang for the buck.  

  5. When the Americans reduced their speed limit to 55 mph it made massive difference in road kills.

  6. Well... I saw on TV report that because people are driving slower (to save gas), they expect to save hundreds of lives during this summer along (in USA).

    So the answer is YES.

    good luck...

  7. Definitely not, in fact it will probably make the road toll worse.

  8. In theory yes, but in practice it will make little difference.

    Basically what is dangerous is inappropriate speed (the driver is inexperienced, the road conditions are bad, they are driving past a school when the children are leaving, etc).

    This comes from good driving and not having slow speed limits. If the limits are low, people will still break them and there will still be accidents.

    In the Isle of Man they do not have speed limits at all and have twisty narrow roads (it is home to the famous Isle of Man TT road racing). Their logic is that there is no firm evidence speed limits prevent accidents. They have no plan to introduce speed limits at all.

    In the Uk, the government is trying to hammer home the "speed kills" message by building more and more speed camera to catch people out if they go too fast. The number of fatalities has remained constant despite this.

  9. if you hit someone at 30 theyll probably live if you hit them at 60 theyll probably die if your going 90 you will have missed them completly lol joke but serously it depends on how they get you to go slow. speed cameras, speed bumps etc are fine but where i live they have come up with this new way of slowing people down and well, its a load of bs it causes far more road accidents there than before. dang road islands who thought they were a good idea. so yeh going slow will save lives just be careful how you do it.

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