
Will regular gas damage a 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse's engine?

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I am looking at purchasing a 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse GT, and was wondering if putting regular grade gas (87 octane) in the car would hurt the engine at all. Now I've read a lot of different things about what regular gas could do to the engine, but the owner of the car says all he's ever put in the car is regular gas and that it runs fine with 87 octane, even though the gas cap says premium fuel only. He claims that the owner's manual also says that regular gas is really all that's necessary.

If I end up buying the car, I will use premium just because I want the best possible performance. I just want to know if the engine could have been damaged from the regular gas and if the owner's manual actually says it's okay.




  1. The best bet is to follow the owners manual recommendations.  Cars designed to run on premium need to do so, not only for better MPG and power but long term use of lesser grades will damage the motor.  I was told by an Mits engine expert that an occasional use of the mid grade would be okay but you will see and feel a difference in the cars performance.  For a few cents more its better to be safe than sorry.

  2. no gas will damage a motor... but its what gets you the best mileage.. and not all gas is the same and either is any car so knowing what type and brand has to be done by using one type and marking down the mile.... so strat with where you buy at every week buy the best grade set the mileage and drive it out then try the next type and do the same one will get you better mileage.. and then you stop at another place and do the same til you know which type and brand your car likes the best.... he is right any gas will run in any car but its how well it runs on a type of gas and not gas is the same and either is any one car of the same type.. if you have a ford and someone else has the same ford  you think they would run the same but its not the case no one drive the same  

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