
Will riding a mountain bike make me gain weight?

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I know this burns fat and all, but I'm trying to gain weight for a bigger "frame". I don't want to workout, I like mountain biking, but wondering if this will also make me build muscle. I'm 5'11", 145lbs, 34years old. I have never been over 150lbs...




  1. if u want to gain weight then just eat a lot

    if u want to gain muscle then riding a mountain bike might help if you ride really hard

  2. Sprinting will, just plain old riding wont.

  3. no it's supposed to build you muscle and get your abs toned.

  4. To gain weight mountain biking, you would pretty much have to eat a sh*t load of junk food. Mountain biking burns a lot of calories. I burn over 3000 calories a day on the trails when I go biking.

  5. mountain biking won't give you a bigger frame as a result, actually its the opposite. once you'll hit the trails in a couple of weeks you'll be more leaner, your  abs toned, and youre building more muscle on your legs and thigh.  

    if you want to gain weight, eat more protein and some carbs then go to the gym and work your upper body, then hit the trails for your cardio. i would suggest 2hrs or more of mountain biking.

    i'm pretty much sure you will get the result you want, just be consistent.

  6. if you do enough riding the muscles in your thighs will build up this may or may not make you gain weight depends alot on you personally, if you are skinny then yes you probably will gain weight

  7. Depends on what kind of riding you are doing. Unless you are doing an exceptional amount of hill climbing and riding very explosively fast, you are likely to be working your muscles aerobically. This will tend to build lean, light muscle suited for endurance. When you are consistently pushing your heart rate to the maximum (such as blasting up hills and sprinting) you will be developing denser, heavier fast twitch muscle fibers through this anaerobic exercise. It is rare that mountain biking offers consistent anaerobic exercise.

    Muscle gain is muscle gain, but the two different fibers tend to add differing amounts of weight. Tailor your riding to your goals or supplement with some weight training for your legs.

    Good luck.

  8. You will get toned but wont gain weight.  You need the hit the weights to get a bigger frame.

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