
Will riding on an exercise bike for 15mins a day help me with fitness for rugby league and rugby union?

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I mainly stay at the same pace but every couple of minutes i go really hard




  1. yes and lifting will help more

  2. Yes.  May as well try lifting the exercise bike over your head a few times as well.

    (Why don't you try short sprint burst (say 25m), running backwards, push-ups, squats etc.)

  3. ya this will help a lot but running long distances would be better

  4. Of course it will help, but not on its' own

    Exercise bikes are good for warming up, and especially good for recovery after leg injuries because of the lack of impact the motion has.

    This would be about 10% to 20% of your daily workout, ideally.

  5. Yes this will help with your fitness, but its only a start it will improve your stamina, doing specific exercises can help more, such as Sprinting, i.e shuttle runs, essential for Rugby. Weight on shoulder, back and other muscles for mauls and those crucial tackles. Just as importantly you should use the bike to warm down so you dont get fatigue and cramps. You'll love this link

  6. maybe as a warm down after full on training but it running and full contact exercise is what is needed to build stamina,cycling is like a swimmer doing dog paddle

  7. Sounds like a good warm up before doing sprints, intermingled with push ups and some weights training.

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