
Will root canals hurt my 2 bottom front teeth?

by Guest64509  |  earlier

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Well I have an abcess in my chin from grinding.

It went away for a while

But now it came back.

My dentist already is having night guards made,

But she said I might need root canals on my 2 bottom front teeth to stop it from coming back again.

Is this painful?

And what will I feel afterwards?





  1. I haven't had a root canal done... all Ive had is an operation and braces

    so i cant help you with that

    i just wanted to tell you to watch Finding Nemo

    because its a funny movie and mention lots of dental stuff

    just to make you feel better

    good luck

  2. hi ive worked as a dental nurse for 3 years now ,root canal means the nerve of your tooth is dying so to keep the teeth there they perform root canal which usually takes 3 visits to your dentist being 3 weeks between the first procedure is putting a small file down the tooth and taking the nerve out this does not hurt!!

    and you will require a needle before hand they will then put an antibiotic into the tooth itsself and leve it for 3 weeks the only thing about root canal is after its all finished because the teeth that have required it are now dead they will discolour to a grey shade  

  3. Hello, Your DDS is rightfully providing you with a night guard to help reduce further trauma to your teeth that can result in additional tooth damage...NOW, having said that let me also say this....the night guard is not the cure for gritting and grinding, it's only the measure taken to attempt to stop the tooth damage from the real issue and that issue is "Emotional Stress"....We all deal with stress in one form or another on a daily basis.. We don't realize that simple decision making about everyday issues is actually a process of dealing with stress...The level of stress can be very very little because we make a decision, act on it and move on to the next issue of the day. The problem area is the "Emotional Stress" we don't successfully deal with, make a decision and move on from....."STRESS"  comes from "six" areas: Employment..Health..Money..Marriage.

    s*x and Self Esteem.....and it may be that you personally aren't having stress issues with one of those areas but are instead are stressing because your reacting to someone else who is personally involved in one or more of the areas...Example: You could have a loved one who is suffering from a terminal illness and you are so close to them you are stressing over their situation...I.E. you grit and grind your teeth. So, the night guard will not solve your stress issue, it will only help to limit the damage to your teeth...Let me encourage you to seek out the help of a professional counselor who can help you identify the stress origin and learn to deal with it....Good luck and I wish you well...If your interested you can contact me and I'll FWD to you the Information Page I have written on Emotional Stress and it's application to dental issues.

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