
Will running help me get rid of excess abdominal fat?

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how long should i run for each day

also how do i build pecs if im running to get rid of fatt




  1. Accumulation of excess fat in the body shows that you are taking

    more calories than what is required for maintaining your normal health.

    When ever the calories provide by your food are more than what is required for your basal metabolism and other activities, the excess calories in the food is converted to fat. The fat is chiefly deposited under the skin and inside the abdomen.

    When you do aerobic exercises the excess fat is gradually reduced and used for energy.

    Running, jogging, walking, swimming are good aerobic exercise

    Jogging or walking for about half an hour daily is sufficient to maintain normal health.  There are no miracle pills or methods to reduce fat.

    While doing regular exercise reducing your intake of fat and carbohydrates reduces accumulation of fat.

    While doing the aerobic exercises you should do exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

    But you should be careful to take a balanced healthy diet having the carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the correct proportions, and also inclusive of all minerals and vitamins that the body requires.

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