
Will running make calves bigger?

by Guest66049  |  earlier

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Will running make calves bigger?




  1. i know it makes them more toned and add muscle.

  2. Yes.  They will not only be bigger but very well defined.

  3. Yes if you run up hill, try biking and also some simple balle moves - normal, point toe, side (leg straight), back to start. They totally make it tight without working out.

    Running didn't work for me

  4. NO running won't make your calves bigger. Lifting weights will. However, only lifting  heavy weights to the point of exhaustion will build muscle. If you lift weight and do lighter weight for longer reps it will burn calories and tone your muscle so they won't get big. But cario, like running or swimming, is good to lose weight, get in shape and have a healthy mind, heart and body!

    I used to worry about that stuff too before I got a personal trainer. I didn't want to be a gnarly looking chick with huge muscles. :)

    One of my very good friends is a personal trainer, and she explains it like this. You can't spot train, like if you want a flat tummy you won't get it by doing a milion cruches everyday. That's like saying "I want bigger b***s, so I'm going to eat cupcakes everyday". You don't choose where to lose the weight. It just comes off.  It has to be all around fitness and diet. But you will lose fat around your calves giving them definition and tone.

    Good luck!

  5. yes

    ***EDITED TO SAY***

    -Everyone on the Cross Country team had good calves, at my school. We take our sports seriously thought - you'd have to be in amazing shape. If you're just looking for good-looking calves, I would lift weights. I personally have strong calves, and I NEVER lift weights for my legs.

  6. No...not at all.

  7. No it will make it stronger and harder..its better than using weights..But both ways usually makes the calves stronger and running takes out the size... but ur left with the strength- thats the important thing..

  8. Personally, it did for me.  Well maybe not exactly bigger, but it just turns fat into muscle so they look more defined

  9. yes, yes it will

  10. Not necessarily but it could with too much running. Normal jogging or running will firm the calves and keep them from becoming flabby. But to make them bigger you would have to do an awfully lot of running.

    I wouldn't worry about it unless you run 4 or more hours every day.

  11. Mine have gotten bigger in the two years that I have been running. I would say yes.

  12. I don't think running will necessarily make your calves bigger. If that's what you're looking to do then an easy exercise would be calf raises. Stand on a step with only the toes on the step and alternate lowering and raising your foot. Start off small though doing about 20 per foot. You'll definitely feel it. Once they become easy try holding some weight while doing it.

    Here's a video on youtube I found showing them.

  13. Yes and no. If your not athletic and you begin daily runs, you will see mass gain, but that will eventually turn to toning and no more mass will come from running. You can however add in different techniques like running up steep hills and/or running with your heels raised with weight added on your ankles.

  14. Calves can be a difficult muscle to develop, but running is one of the best things you can do to increase the size of your calf muscle. You can also try the following:

    do standing calf raises and seated calf raises to hit the entire area, 3- 4 sets of 15 reps and failing after the last rep.

  15. it will make your calves more toned

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