
Will running with puppy while trying to train him to walk properly on leash set her backwards in training?

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I am trying to teach her to walk without pulling.

But she needs exercise so I want to run with her, during which she does not pull.

So is it ok to run with her? (will this set her back?)




  1. No, it wont

    Il give you a few pointers on how to hold the leash first you need a regular leash not an extended one. HOld it about 1ft 6in away from bottom and carry the leash on one hand relax be assertitive and run or walk and it should get used to the energy you create and how you are walking or running that makes her train

    Glad i can help

    if you want more pointers or training advice email me also tell me if this works if you do it.

  2. well it sort of depends what breed it is- some are easier to train than others but I'm pretty sure it doesnt matter- as long as you regularly try to teach it so thew answer is yes

  3. Sure run with her, It won't set her back. After the run, walk a little. Over a short amount of time she'll be on your page.

  4. I think short sprints are ok, but I wouldn't run any distance with her. Dogs are not generally long distance runners.

  5. I don't know if it will set her back, but I heard that with large breed dogs it's best not to run with them too soon because they're more prone to injury, I think.  My golden retriever is now a year and a half and runs great, but we take breaks to give her rest. (ok, me.  I'm the one that needs the break.)  She still pulls, tho.  Man she's strong.  I wish we would have trained her sooner but when we got her we were snowed in with blizzard after blizzard after blizzard and we couldn't do anything.  Snow is beautiful until it gets covered in tiny brown piles...

  6. i would never even consider running a dog under a year.

    their bones and joints are still developing and growing, please don't run the poor puppy.


    nope, NOT fine for running a mile.

    lab? AND pit? are you begging for HD??? both those breeds have problem hips, and running them before they are done growing and on concrete(like the road and sidewalk) is the No. 1 thing(other than poor breeding) that makes hips go bad in these breeds....

  7. (My dog pulled a lot when she was a puppy, so take it from someone with experience.) It is completely fine, going for a run with her is great. But do it every other walk. Like if she takes 3 walks in a day, go for a walk, then jog, then walk again. It will not set her back any, praise her a lot when she runs/walks beside you good, constantly. Please feel free to e-mail me about any problems with your pet.

  8. if shes not pulling i dont see a problem, what i would do is run for the first 1/2, then for the other half walk, that way it learns not to pull either running or walking.

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