
Will sambhar and rasam done the previous night taste good the next day?

by Guest66962  |  earlier

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Will sambhar and rasam done the previous night taste good the next day?




  1. No,it is not good as fresh, but if you heat the things in a microwave, then it will be somewhat better

  2. NO.

  3. it will go stale if you keep it outside. if u keep it inside fridge, then u can eat it after heating in microwave or stove.

  4. if u refridgerate it will be good but if u just leave it in room temp. it will go bad

  5. it depends upon the preparation...

    if it will be prepared in a well prevented manner like without using our hands in that while preparing it ll taste good..

  6. I don't think so.

    there will be a slight change in the taste.

    it will taste something less spicy and less tasty.

    I am telling you because I have experienced it.

  7. yes provided you refrigerate it and heat it before you consume it. However, it won't taste as good as it tastes fresh

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