
Will school send home a kindergartener whom does not wipe poo and has it in his pants?

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My son whom is six is diagnosed with a mood disorder. He refuses to wipe after a bowel movement. He often has a lot left in his pants so it looks as if he pooped himself, but does not. He just will not wipe. He is starting kindergarten in a couple weeks and I am just wondering if the school will tolerate this? Will they take him to the bathroom and help him wipe and change (I highly doubt it but just wanted to ask!)? Will they call me each time to come pick him up? I have tried everything to get him to wipe (having him clean his pants-he refuses, leaving him that way so others can make fun of him-he does not care. So I wipe it for him again so he will not smell like poo all day long. Do not know what else to do. He says it is nasty, discusting, and he will not touch it.




  1. most likely. they'll probably send him to the office and call you to take care of it

  2. Every school is different.  Let the teacher know in advance so you can get her on your team.  The other children will definitely make comments if he smells.  That natural consequence may motivate your child to take care of things himself.  The teacher will not wipe him and I wouldn't expect her to.  Too much potential for law suits.

  3. They will call you if he is smelly. Once or twice they may have you bring clothes. I know for sure he won't get help with wiping.

    Being with a large group of kids who call him stinky, and they will, may change his mind about cleaning up.

    I know this is an odd solution but you have a difficult problem, will he use a disposable glove to wipe? They may be to hard for him to even get on his hand. He could always dispose of the glove if he used one. This is a tough issue. One of my coworkers had this with her 1st grade child. She just started going in her pants for no known reason. The kids really gave her misery.She told her Mom they called her smelly every day. There were other issues with this child so hopefully it will be easier for your son.

    Good luck.

  4. Get him on a p**p schedule. Seriously, I have an issue with pooing in a public bathroom and in my 13 years of public school maybe pooped there once or twice. Get him to p**p in the morning after breakfast and before school then you make sure he's wiped and wears clean underwear. He will probably p**p at school only rarely anyway.

    If you send an extra outfit to school with him, they probably won't call you, but if he really won't wipe then he might just streak on his underwear. If he doesn't have an IEP or any special services then they probably won't help him change or wipe him. If he does have a health plan with the school nurse for his meds and his safe place or something if he has a bipolar episode at school then perhaps the wiping thing can be added to it, though there won't be volunteers lining up for that.

    Teach him to do as much as possible for himself.

    An idea that might sound a bit silly but might solve your problem. What if you gave him disposable gloves to put on and let him wipe with flushable wipes? This as well as the p**p schedule might help immensely.

    Good luck!

  5. when i was in kindergarten, many of my classmates did not wipe. they just call for the teacher to help them wipe. if its not like that at yyour sons school, just tell him to try to hold it in till schools out

  6. I think you otta put him down.

  7. It is a tough situation you are in. On both of you.

    You haven't explained much about the mood disorder. does it mean he refuses to do a lot of other things too?

    Anyway, you wiping his butt is not the solution. You can try what the other posters have mentioned using a disposable glove. If you try this method, don't get the latex gloves that doctors use, that will be hard for him to put on. Get the kind restaurant workers use- thin transparent, and easier to put on and off.  You will have to make sure he learns to put it in the garbage, and not flush it down the toilet. Which brings to mind another issue - generally there is no garbage pail in the kindergarten toilet stalls, there is one big bin by the wash basins.

    You may also want to talk to the teacher ahead of time, without your kid being present. Kindergarten generally has room helpers, and often they have the task of making sure kids come out of the bathroom in time and don't play around there. Perhaps, they may not mind encouraging your son to wipe himself.

    if the mood disorder is mild enough, you may try what parents to start/stop other behaviors. rewards, taking away privileges.  Or follow the common suggestions  for potty-training, this is part of potty-training after all.

    if it is 1/2 day kindergarten, I wouldn't worry. Most likely he'll hardly go there.

  8. The school wont help him.  He will have to bring a change of clothes.  Most Kindergarten teachers request that anyway because many kids that age may have an accident.  Try to get him to go at home.

  9. No, it is not the school's business to wipe your son's *** because he won't do it himself. Don't wipe it for him, let him smell like poo all day long. Maybe if kids make fun of him or his butt gets irritated from having it on all day he will realize that he has to wipe.

    If he says that it's nasty and disgusting and refuses to touch it, hand him a pair of rubber gloves and a mask if he hates the smell, and make him wipe himself. Don't let him out of the bathroom until he wipes, even if it means he sits in there all day.

  10. You should call and ask your school what their policy is, but something a little more constructive for you might be to "train" your son to go at a certain time.  Start now to teach him to hold off until you know that he will be home with you so that you can clean him up.  

  11. eww idk they might idk though

  12. In our school system, any child that can not take care of his/her toileting issues by themselves will have their parent called to come and do it for them, or be sent home. The only exception is of course children with developmental or diagnosed behavioral issues. Now, you did mention he was diagnosed with a mood disorder. If they place him in a special ed. class, then that will be to your advantage because of the bathroom issues. Special ed classes always have an assistant to handle any sort of issues with the children. You really should speak to the school NOW. Don't wait until school starts. This way, they will know what to expect and you will also know what they will do in this situation. I honestly have never heard of any school, public or private that will do the wiping for him, unless, like I said, he is in a special ed class. But, thats not to say there isn't a school out there that would.

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