
Will sea monkeys hatch if you don't add the water purifier?

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My brother just got some sea monkeys and he wants them to hatch instantly. He doesn't want to wait 24 hours before adding the eggs. It doesn't say online if thats bad. Please help before he kills them!




  1. The water purifier takes chlorine out of the water and adds salt.  The eggs won't hatch if they are in regular tap water, the chlorine will kill them.

  2. Frequently Asked Questions

    Did your Sea-Monkeys® not hatch?

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    When the water level gets low, should I add more Water Purifier?

    No, just fill to the correct level with distilled or purified water. The Water Purifier is designed as a one-time formula

    Can I use tap water?

    Nope. Distilled or filtered water is best.

    Why do I have to add Water Purifier before adding the Instant Life eggs?

    The Water Purifier is a Top Secret combination of buffers and special ingredients that help Sea-Monkeys hatch and thrive. The actual composition is and known only by Mr. Von Braunhut (the creator) and a few others.

    Do I ever need to add salt to their water?

    No, everything they need is in their Instant Life packet.

    Why is the water cloudy?

    You're probably feeding your Sea-Monkeys too much. Temporarily discontinue feeding until the water begins to clear. Don't worry, there's plenty of food and algae for your Sea-Monkeys to thrive on!

    Do Sea-Monkeys like the sun? Should I put them in sunlight to stay warm?

    Sea-Monkeys are photo-reactive (meaning that they will react to sunlight), and they love the sun. Indirect sunlight is okay but keep them out of direct sunlight, so that their tank doesn't get too hot!

    What temperature should the water be?

    Room temperatures around 72° F (22° c) should be fine.

    Can I color my Sea-Monkeys by adding food coloring to the water?

    Uh, no. Adding anything to your tank not specifically designed by Transcience Corp for Sea-Monkeys will probably kill them.

    Should I change the water periodically?





    How often should I feed my Sea-Monkeys?

    The Official Sea-Monkey Handbook suggests feeding them once a week using the small end of your feeding spoon. If you have a large colony, you may feed them more often, but remember if the water gets cloudy you're feeding them too much.

    How long will my packet of Growth Food last?

    Growth Food has been scientifically balanced so that one packet lasts about a year.

    I heard that I can feed them yeast instead of Growth Food, is this true?

    Only if you really want all of your Sea-Monkeys to die.

    I'm running out of food, is there something else that I can feed them? -- How about fish food?

    Absolutly not, your pets cannot survive on anything other than Sea-Monkey food. You can purchase food packets and more from our online store Click Here

    Is the Growth Food supposed to be green, or is it moldy?

    Yes it is. And no it isn't.

    Does Growth Food taste good?

    Only to the Sea-Monkeys, but there's no accounting for taste!




    My Sea-Monkeys are stuck together, what's happening?

    Try not to blush but your Sea-Monkeys are mating! Pretty soon new Sea-Monkey babies will be on the way.

    How does Sea-Monkeys reproduce?

    The male and female can mate together sexually or the female can fertilize her own eggs, a process called parthenogenesis or "self-conception"!

    How can I tell if I have any pregnant Sea-Monkeys?

    The female will carry an egg sac near her stomach.

    What happens if the pregnant female dies before releasing her eggs?

    To insure the survival of the species, nature sometimes causes the female to release her eggs, even after death.

    How many babies do Sea-Monkeys have?

    They usually have about 20 offspring at a time.

    How long after mating will it be until the babies are born?

    Not even we know for sure.

    How long does mating take?

    Sometimes you may see your Sea-Monkeys attached for several weeks,

    so try to give them some privacy.

    Do Sea-Monkeys get hurt while mating?

    Not usually, although sometimes things can get pretty rough.

    What are those sacs hanging off my Sea-Monkey? Are they Sea-Monkey testicles?

    Uh No, actually, those are the females' egg sacs.

    I'm worried that there are too many Sea-Monkeys in the tank.

    How many is too many?

    Your tank will safely hold about 100 Sea-Monkeys, more than that and there may not be enough oxygen for all of them.

    The babies are swimming to the surface of the tank a lot, is this ok?

    They're supposed to. Baby Sea-Monkeys require more oxygen and are surfacing to get it. Baby turtles and dolphins do the same thing!


    What ARE Sea-Monkeys?


    What are they?

    Sea-Monkeys are a hybrid species of brine shrimp called "Artemia NYOS". "Artemia" is the genus they belong to, which includes Fairy and Brine shrimp. NYOS is the acronym for the New York Ocean Science Laboratories where they were created.

    A person in a pet store insisted that Sea-Monkeys are just brine shrimp?

    The person in the pet store should visit this website.

    How are Sea-Monkeys different from brine shrimp?

    There are several differences. Sea-Monkeys grow much larger (up to .5" long) and live longer than ordinary brine shrimp. They are also a lot more active and can be taught to perform "tricks", unlike ordinary brine shrimp.

    Can you find Sea-Monkeys in the sea? Don't brine shrimp live in the ocean?

    No, you will only find them in your Instant Life packet and Sea-Monkey tank! Brine shrimp live in salt lakes and salt flats, but your Sea-Monkeys are not brine shrimp. They belong to the same genus, "Artemia", but are completely different animals.

    How big can they get?

    They can grow between 1/2" and 3/4" long!

    How long will my Instant Life packet last before I use it?

    How long has never been established, although Sea-Monkey eggs have hatched after a decade! Sea-Monkeys exist in suspended animation through a process called "cryptobiosis". Once the eggs are poured into treated water, they "magically" come to life!!

    Why are they called Sea-Monkeys?

    Because of their playful demeanor and the facts that they have tails!

    Are Sea-Monkeys a type of plankton?

    Plankton are single cell animals, Sea-Monkeys are multi-cell animals.

    All my Sea-Monkeys have died! How can I bring them back to life?

    There are still many unhatched Sea-Monkey eggs on the bottom of your tank.


    Try this first:

    Aerate your tank for about 1 1/2 weeks

    Look closely as you should see new baby Sea-Monkeys appear.

    I aerated my tank for over a week and new Sea-Monkeys did not hatch, what do I do now?

    Allow all of the water in your tank to evaporate (this may take several weeks).

    Add fresh bottled or distilled water and 1 package of Water Purifier Stir

    Wait a few days and you should see new Sea-Monkey babies!


    Cool FAQ's


    Are there any benefits to owning Sea-Monkeys?

    Similar to owning fish (or a lava lamp) owning Sea-Monkeys is said to have a calming effect. Picture a tank on your desk at work and your Sea-Monkeys frolicking about inside. They are quiet, and easy to care for needing only to be fed once a week and you rarely need to clean up after them!

    What are some cool Sea-Monkey facts?

    They breathe through their feet and adults have 3 eyes!


    General FAQ's


    I lost the instructions, how do I get started?

    Add Water Purifier to your tank filled with distilled or filtered water.

    Stir for 60 seconds.

    Wait 24 hours then add Instant Life. Stir for 60 seconds.

    After 5 days then add 1 small scoop of Growth Food from small end of the feeding spoon.

    Continue to feed once a week with the small end of your feeding spoon.

    Why must I wait 24 hrs before adding the Instant Life?

    So the Water Purifier can completely clean the water of any bacteria or harmful impurities.

    It's been a week and I still don't see any Sea-Monkeys, do I start over?

    Sometimes Sea-Monkeys take their own sweet time to hatch. Occasionally it takes up to 72 hours. They are only about the size of a pinhead so you have to look very close!

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