
Will secondhand marijuana smoke make me not pass a drug test?

by Guest60855  |  earlier

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Will secondhand marijuana smoke make me not pass a drug test?




  1. It is actually impossible to fail a drug test from inhaling second hand MJ smoke.  It would never happen in a million years even if you were in a small shoe box filled with thick thick second hand smoke.  You also would not get a Mj high from this either.  Though what can happen is that if you are around smokers and you inhale smoke from their joint it's like smoking it anyways so yes you can fail from that.  I guess people don't understand that.

  2. Well unless you're right there sniffing also.  Sure.


  3. only if you get high.  

  4. Might, might not. Did you get high or inhale?

  5. NO NO and NO cut off levels are set to avoid this you really MUST  smoke it.

  6. if ur in a hotboxed car or room u shouldn't pass but my friend took a couple hits then tested a week later and came up negative.

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