
Will sexist Democrats applaude the nomination of Sarah Palin?

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Or will they deny that they hate women and were too sexist to nominate one on their own!

Ive got your half black socialist and ILL up you one Washington outsider with a solid approval rating.. OH and she happens to be a woman!




  1. Let me see if I've got this straight. If I don't like the Democrat's nominee I'm a racist. But if a Democrat doesn't like McCain's pick for VP they are making a wise decision.

    If the Democrats pick a junior Senator who's only had not even two years experience they are wise. But if Republicans pick a person who's served in two leadership roles they are dumber than a box of rocks.

    This saying is so true I'm going to repeat it over and over again. Liberal Democrats are so open-minded their brains have fallen out!

  2. Actually, I'm a woman and a feminist, and I'm voting for Obama. You see, I don't vote for candidates on the basis of gender. If I did, then that really would make me a sexist!

  3. they are scared to death and hillary is livid. it took a forward thinking republication party to put a woman on the ticket, what happened to the 'change' obama keeps talking about?  

  4. Tony...the bigger concern would be sexist and conservative republicans of both sexes and will they applaud the nomination.

  5. Dems are not sexist. They believe in voting for the person the think will do the best job regardless of s*x, race or religion. Get over it!

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